5) You Don't Remember Me. Do You?

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I woke up the next morning. I really wasn't interested in today, but I had to go to school. To get out of this death hole.

I changed into jeans, a black tank top that said New York and Los Angeles. I put a black and grey jersey jacket over. and my black ankle converse.

Here's a secret about me. Whenever I wear shoes, I always fold my socks halfway. I never wear them correctly. Just a little secret of mine, only Nathan knew.

I grabbed my backpack and headed downstairs. I grabbed a toasted bagel and put some cream cheese. When it was fully covered, I brought my breakfast out with me and waited at the door steps for the bus to come.

I thought about my life and how much it has changed. My dad would usually come out of the house now and give me a hug before leaving to work. I decided to text my Mum and Dad.

'Hi Mum. Miss you loads. Just wanted to tell you I love you and to have a good day. x'

'Hi Daddy. I am waiting at the door steps waiting for you to come out and give me a hug before school. I'm going to miss that. Love you, Daddy. Don't tire yourself to much at work. Relax a little. x'

Right when I pressed send, the bus came. I got up and started walking. I took a seat at my usual spot and looked out the window. We passed my Nathan's house and the memories of him filled my mind.


"DANI!" the 11 Nathan yelled from the top of the tree house. I looked up to see a water balloon falling. I let out a scream as the balloon hit me.

I could hear Nathan's laugh. "Sykes!" I looked up at him. He just gave me a smile as he climbed down. Once he got down, he embraced me in a hug.

"You know I love you, right?" He asked me leaving his head on my shoulder.

"I love you, too. Sykes."

"Hey, do you remember the promise I made on the bus, when we were like 5?"

"Yeah, of course."

"Just asking. Love you, best friend!" He said giving me a kiss on the cheek before popping another balloon on top of my head.

"Sykes!" I yelled after him, grabbing a balloon as we chased each other for hours..


The cute little memories rang through my head. How that promise was broken and how all of those years are now meaningless.

I finally got to school. Today was going to be different. I only had three classes and the rest was watching Nathan and his group sing. I was not looking forward to it. Well, maybe a little.

Class after class I went. Finally it was lunch. I grabbed myself a salad and looked around. Every table was filled. I guess I had to empty a table with my horrible appearance. I looked for a table with one empty chair. I took a seat as everyone in that table scurried away. The usual routine.

I started eating my food until someone knocked it over. I looked up to see Jordan and his group. Great. Just what I needed.

"Here's your money. And here's your homework. Now go away." I said giving him papers and his lunch money.

He took it but stayed. "What do you want?" I finally asked  after him watching me for 5 minutes.

"Nothing." He said giving his girlfriend, Elizabeth, a kiss on the nose. So now he is just boasting and rubbing in my face that I am a loner and can never be loved. Isn't that nicely? Sense the sarcasm?

I took my empty tray and threw it away. I walked over to a room where all the assemblies have been taken. There were no chairs so we were forced to stand. Everybody soon got here and were ready to see, The Wanted.

A countdown was started and by each number that was called, my heart raced faster and faster. I became more nervous. Why was this happening to me?! Oh because I was about to see my best friend who I secretly have a crush on, who had bullied me, and who I haven't seen in forever. No reason to be nervous right? UGH!

Thoughts shot through my head. Will he see me? Probably not. I was in the back, leaning against the wall. What is he does? What if he recognizes me? What would I do? What would I say?! How do I stop myself from crying in front of him?! He has a girlfriend, what am I saying?!

My head was pounding against my skull. "3! 2! 1!" The crowd cheered. There they were. The 4 Guys, I have heard about on tv, then Nathan.

They started singing different covers and they sang their own song called All Time Low. It did get me to smile once in awhile, but I seriously didn't have any idea what I was going to do after this.

"We need someone to come on stage with us!" The bald one said. I think his name was Max.

Nathan looked my way. "You, in the black shirt." Nathan pointed at me. Everybody looked my way. I could see Elizabeth giving me a death glare. "Come on, now." Jay said motioning his hand for me to come.

What was going to happen? What was going on?! I really wish I could just die now. It would make things a lot easier. Someone? Take me away? I wouldn't resist it!

I tried swallowing, but it felt like it was stuck there. I started towards stage. With each step, I got more scared and worried about what was going to happen.

My feet felt like my feet were concrete or they were glue to the ground. I finally got to the stage. I put my head low, hoping Nathan didn't notice it was me. But why would he care anyways?

They pushed me over to a chair to sit on. I took my seat and looked at the 5 guys. I remembered their names and who they were, since they were on tv every 5 minutes.

They started singing different covers. When they finished their last song I looked out to the crowd to see Elizabeth coming up on stage with a fist in her hand. I got off the chair and shook a little. I looked at the guys who were confused, Nathan just watched with no reaction.

He didn't recognize me probably. Which was a good thing, but also something that broke my heart. "You. Are So. Dead." She said clenching her fists. I ran off stage and down the halls. But she was too fast. She caught up as well as Jordan.

"Why would you embarrass my girl like that?!" Jordan said grabbing me my the collar and slamming me on the locker.

"It wasn't my fault!" I said as he slammed me against the locker several times. "Babe, I want to do this one!" I heard Elizabeth's voice. I felt their hands switch then a hand straight across my face. I had my books across my chest which were of course slammed down.

I felt a hand go across my face, and someone's knuckles into my stomach. "Hey. Stop. Now." I heard a familiar voice. My eyes were squeezed tight, and I didn't want to open them. I felt the ground under me, which meant I was dropped.

"Go away. Now!" I heard the voice again. I heard running and then it was completely empty. I brought my knees to my chest and hid my face. I let the tears fall. I just felt alone. Nobody loved me. Nobody cared. I was just another unneeded waste of space on the planet. Another forgotten soul nobody cared about.

"Hey. Its fine, you're okay." I heard the calm voice of this person this time. Right away, I knew who it was. "What happened?" I heard running of a few more people and a different voice.

"Some bullies. I think they were my friends before. Psh, glad that's over." I heard him say. Nathan. "Come on, now. look up." I heard a different voice. I looked up to see the 5 guys surrounding me. The curly haired one, I think Jay, was beside me. Along with Tom who was on the other side. Nathan was in front of me. His hand was on my arms that rested on my knees.

"You're not going to pound me are you?" I said in more of a statement, looking down. I heard murmurs of the lads, but I didn't make out what they were saying.

"Wh-why would I do that?" Nathan asked.

"Because you have before." I said not making eye contact to anyone.

"What? What do you mean? I never hurt anybody like that before." Nathan said taking his hand off of my arm.

"You don't remember me. Do you?" I said looking  up at him.

There was silence around us....

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