Sometimes we create our own heartbreaks

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Ashton's pov

"I don't really like being all this attached to machines" I looked up to Sophia who was hooking me with the wires.

"I'm sorry Ashton but it's important for the check up" she replied.

"What's the point in check ups when I'm gonna die eventually" I looked at the ceiling.

"Please Ashton" her eyes were begging me to stop saying those things.

"Where's mom?" I asked her. Before she could answer mom entered the room and held my hand.

"How are you feeling?" Mom asked holding back her tears. She always cries whenever I'm hooked to the machines especially when my heart is attached to one of them.

"Well I'm doing fantastic mom" I smiled. She kissed my forehead. Sophia was holding a folder in her hand. She was looking at it with horror. She then looked at me with the same expression. Are those my reports?

I was about to ask her when she walked out leaving me more confused.


Calum's pov

I rang the doorbell and Martha opened it. I went straight to my room where I saw a box lying on my bed. I opened it. There was a red tie and a card with it.

"You will look so handsome in this red tie and blue formals. I thought of writing a poem for you but then I realised how stupid I am and dropped this idea. See you soon"

Obviously it's Cameron. Who else would it be? I was so happy she got me a gift. I couldn't stop my excitement so I decided to go to Ashton's house.

As soon as I reached there I spotted miss. Irwin.

"Upstairs" she smiled at me.

"Thank you" I said and ran to Ashton's room. The door was open.

"I love you Ashton" I said.

"Jesus Christ." He put a hand on his heart. "You scared me. I know you love me" he smirked.

"Look Cameron gave me this tie. She got me a gift Ashton" I told him.

"Really?" His expression was weird. I mean I couldn't read it if he was happy or not. Obviously he was happy he helped me in all this.

"I can't thank you enough bro. It's all because of you. You helped me get the girl I love. Thanks dude" I hugged him.

"No. It was because of you Calum." He patted my back awkwardly.

"Man you are a fucking genius. You should write a book on how to get a girl in six days" I said.

"I know I'm special but I can't write a book" Ashton laughed.

"Oh man. I never thought I would see this day. I mean just six days and she started seeing me more than a friend. Wow. I'm her boyfriend now" I was on cloud nine and all credits goes to Ashton.

"Yeah bro okay whatever. But it was not me. It was you and your love" Ashton said.

"You are so great. You don't even want to take credits. God I'm hella lucky to have a friend like you" I spoke.

"No no Calum. Shut your dummy mouth. It's because of your love she is yours" he gave me a weird smile.

"Are you crazy? I would have never been able to make her my girlfriend if you wouldn't have guided me. It's because of you and your steps and now she is in my heart, in my life, in my every heart beat-"

"In my room" Ashton interrupted me.

"In your room...wait What?" I asked him.

"Look behind you dumbass" he spoke.

If I was your boyfriend (Ashton Irwin)Where stories live. Discover now