Gold digger alert

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Calum's pov

So my dad set me on a date with a girl named Camilla. When I told him about how I love Cameron and how she loves Ashton and that there might be a chance she would never love me back, dad set me up with this girl saying I should try and move on from Cameron.

To be honest I kinda wanna move on too. I don't think she will ever stop loving Ashton. I mean I know her enough to say she will never fall out of love. I still kinda wish she will love me one day but I can't rely on that. I'm 25 and i need to find a girl so I decided to give this Camilla girl a chance.

Not gonna lie Camilla is freaking hot. We've been on 2 dates already and we didn't even touched each other. Today I'm going on a third date with her. I haven't talked to Cameron or Ashton about my situation. Camilla is a chill girl. She told me she likes me a lot and sees a great future with me. She's the first girl who has ever said that to me. Maybe I will get over Cameron. I hope I do.

I should probably get ready now. In half an hour I have to meet Camilla at Redesson hotel.


Ashton's pov

"Calum open the freaking door or I'm gonna break it and then break your ass" I shouted. I've been knocking on his door for the past 10 minutes. Obviously he is at home. The lights are on but why is he ignoring me. I went towards the window and tried to peak. I saw Martha standing near the door looking like she saw a ghost.

"Martha open the damn door" I shouted.

She shook her head looking at me. I started knocking on the window when I realised window was not locked. I quickly opened it and jumped inside before Martha could lock.

"Where is Calum? I need to talk to him" I started walking upstairs to his room when Martha blocked my way.

"You can't go there" she said.

"Why can't I?" I tried to push her.

"He has gone out on a date" She told me still standing on my way.

"What? With a girl?" I asked.

"Yes a female" she looked at me like a dirty piece of lettuce.

"I know that. I already said girl. He can't go anywhere" I spoke.

"W-why? He doesn't need to be with you always" she replied.

"Yes he does" I said.

She gasped. I don't know why she did that. "Let him be with a girl"

"I'm not letting him love other girl" I said and walked into the kitchen. Martha was still trying to stop me from going anywhere. "Where did he go?"

"I'm not telling you" she replied. But then I saw a sticky note on his refrigerator. I snatched it.

"Oh so he is in Radesson hotel. Fine." I spoke and ran towards the door.

"Don't go there" I heard Martha shout but I was already in my car.

"I won't let him love any other girl" I drove off. I don't know why Martha acts weird whenever I'm with Calum. Gosh that lady has issues.

Calum's pov

"You look beautiful" I told Camilla.

"Aww Calum you are so sweet" she replied. Cameron used to say the same thing. No no I can't think about Cameron right now.

"Table for two please" I said.

The guy was looking  through his register when I heard my name being called.

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