It's only getting worse

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Calum's pov

"Yes baby..take that money" dad yelled at the girl. I don't even know why my dad wanted to meet me in a strip club. I mean i usually enjoy coming here but not anymore. I wasn't even looking at that direction.

"C'mom Calum. Enjoy a little" dad spoke.

"For God's sake dad. Stop embaressing me" I said. He came closer and sat beside me.

"Fine whatever you say. So tell me how are you?" He asked.

"I've been better" I replied taking a sip from my drink.

"I know what's wrong with you. Love?" He wiggled his eyebrow. How does he know?

"Yeah." I nodded and smiled looking down. Why am I feeling shy? It's just my dad. Maybe because it's the first time I've admitted loving someone. "How did you know?"

"Well Martha told us." He answered. How does Martha know? Well she should just do her job and clean the house instead of getting information about me.

"Actually she told your mom and that's how I know. Hey Calum whatever you do whoever you fall in love with I'll aways support you son and your mom too" dad told me.

"Thanks dad" I smiled at him.

"I mean I wanted grandkids but it's fine if you don't" he said.

"What are you saying? Of course I want kids too" I told him.

"You do? So you gonna go for adoption or surrogacy?" Dad asked me. What the fuck is he talking about?

"Why the hell will I go for anything like that? I'll have my own kids." I spoke.

"What?" He gasped. "Is that possible?"

"Why isn't it possible?" I said.

"Wow technology these days. I didn't knew gay men could have babies through normal process" he spoke.

"DAD WHAT?" my eyes were about to fall out.

"Yeah. Martha told us you are gay. A guy keeps coming at your house whenever you call him. Then he also slept with you and you guys hug alot. Listen Calum we support you. You don't need to hide from anyone." He said.

"Stop it dad. I'm not gay first of all. The guy who comes at my house is Ashton and he is my friend. He slept just once because he dropped me home after we went clubbing and I was drunk and he got tired. We might have hugged but that was like bro hug and maybe because I was excited when I told him that I was in love" I told him.

"So you mean you're straight?" He asked.

"Yes and I'm in love with a girl. Cameron. You know her." I said.

"Oh I'm sorry son. Martha told us-"

"Remind me to fire that nosy ass bitch" I said.

Dad laughed. "Okay let's go to your mom. By the way did I tell you we bought a new mansion in the outskirts of the town and that our previous house is now all yours" he said casually.

"No dad you didn't" I looked at him with wide eyes.

"Oops it must have slipped out of my mind" he smiled and stood up.

"These things doesn't slip that easily" I said.

"It does at least for me. Now let's go" he put his coat back and I followed him out.


Cameron's pov

The day was cloudy. I walked fast to my house so that I don't get wet if it starts raining. I wasn't carrying umbrella and i didn't wanted to get cold. After 15 minutes I reached. I was in a mood for hot tea made by mom.

If I was your boyfriend (Ashton Irwin)Where stories live. Discover now