Tango for two

16 2 3

Cameron's pov

"I loved that dress by the way"I said.

"I know. That's why I got it for you. So when will I have the honour to see you in that beautiful dress?" Calum asked.

"I don't know." I answered.

"I hope soon." He pinched my cheek. He wrapped his arms around me and rested his head on my shoulder. "You have no idea for how long I was dying to do this"

"What? To rest your head on my shoulder?" A small laugh escaped my mouth. Calum turned me around.

"No. To call you my better half" He answered looking in my eyes. Something strange happened in my stomach. Nobody has ever said that to me and I never in my wildest imagination thought Calum would be the one saying these things to me. I was so lost in his eyes that I didn't notice him leaning towards me. His eyes travelling between my eyes and lips and soon his lips were on my lips.

They were soft and he started kissing me slowly and passionately as if I was fragile and he would break me. I couldn't process anything. I didn't know what to do and before I could reciprocate those actions he pulled back.

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I didn't wanted to do that. I mean I did but like umm.. I know..uhh.. you are still trying to move on and I'm such an idiot and shouldn't have-" I cut me and crashed my lips into his.

I wanna move on. I wanna be with someone who actually loves me. I kissed Calum and he kissed me back. I wouldn't say there were fireworks and all but I didn't feel weird as I thought I would be feeling. Once we pulled back he looked at me. Our foreheaed still touching.

"Wow" he breathed. I blushed. We turned around and continued staring at the sunset which I might add was very beautiful. I never seem to notice these small things but now that I have I only see beautiful things.

"By the Calum your letter was cute" I spoke.

"Really? Well I tried writing my feelings for the first time" he smiled. His adorable smile.

"It was good for the first try" I replied.

"Yeah it was first and last time" he said which made me feel special. For the first time in life. Suddenly my phone viberted and it was my mom's text.

"Calum I gotta go" I said..

"Do you want me to drop you?" He asked.

"No no I'll go by myself. You have to go to your parents house anyway" I told him.

"You sure? He asked again.

"Yes" I pecked his lips and walked away. I don't know from where did I get the strength to do that but is it weird to say that I'm actually feeling happy being with Calum? I think my decision was right to give him a chance.


Next morning I woke up to the voice of my beautiful grandma singing her tonsils out. I wanted to rip my hair out and shout at her again but I wasn't annoyed. I wasn't angry anymore and I have no idea why. Usually I would wake up with a bad mood and then I would be like that for the rest of the day but today was different.

Suddenly my phone started ringing and it was Calum. A small smile made it's way on my face.

"Hey what's up?"I said. Wait? He isn't my friend anymore he is my boyfriend now. Should I say baby or honey? Eww no.

"Yo Cameron." He spoke. Well thank God he doesn't expect me to be that typical girlfriend.

"What happened?" I asked him.

"So last night I went to my parents house and seems like I forgot that two days later it's my parents anniversary" he told me.

"That's great. What's the problem then?" I asked him.

"They are having a grand party as usual and there will many high society people and my parents expect me to dance you know when all couples dance on those sappy love songs"he replied.

"Okay Mr. Hood I see where you are going with this" I said.

"Yeah good because at 11 we have our dance class since we both can't dance for shit" he said.

"Holy mother Cal.  I can't dance" I told him.

"You think I don't know that? But Cameron I would rather go with you and do a chicken dance that go with any other dancer girl" he spoke and not gonna lie my heart skipped a beat.

"Text me the address I'll be there" I said.

"Thank you so much. I love you" with that he ended the call. I love you. Hearing this from his mouth was so different. I love you.

I'm gonna try to love you too Calum.


There were about twenty couples ready to dance. I was nervous and so was Calum. We were about to do tango.

"1 2 3 go"the instructor said and the music started playing.

Calum and I started dancing. He held my hand and I tried to swing with the rhythm. I think I was fine but Calum was not. He grabbed my waist and turned me around. I ended stepping on his foot.

"Ow..Jesus christ" he muttered.

"Oh shit. I'm so sorry" I apologised. We were so bad. Maybe worse out of everyone. Then Calum rolled me and guess what? I accidently poked his eyes.

"Ouch" he said covering his left eyes.

"Cal I'm sorry. Omg" I apologised again but to be honest I was trying to hold my laughter.

"I know you wanna laugh" he looked at me. I couldn't hold it any longer and started laughing. Calum laughed too and soon we were dancing a little better. But more than that we were having so much fun. I never thought dancing was so much fun. After so many years I was geniunely happy. Happy with Calum. Soon we stopped dancing this tango and started doing robot dance. People surrounding us noticed that. First they were looking at us as if we are aliens but soon they did the same and then it was like a giant party with strangers. Nobody was really learning to dance.

This was the most fun thing I have done in a long time.

Ashton's pov

She was happy. She was happy with him.

I know I'm acting like a creep looking at her but I was helping Calum and I'm happy he got her.

He got her.

She was supposed to be mine.

But she is his.

She look so happy dancing with Calum. I don't think I have ever seen her laugh like that. She is so beautiful. I just wish God was kind enough to make her be with me. I wish I was the one she was sharing her life with but I'm not. I'll never be.

My eyes were watery. I know Calum is my friend but is it bad to say I wanna snatch Cameron from him and make her mine. I want her to be mine and nobody will ever be near her but here I am helping her spend her life with another man. If only I wasn't dying things would have been different. She would be in my arms and No no no Ashton you can't think that.

She is calum's girlfriend.

I can only dream of what Cameron wanted to make a reality.


A/N- I'm so so so sorry for such a late update but I'll do another one soon. Maybe today or tomorrow.

Who do you ship Cameron with?

Calum or Ashton?

Do you wanna see Michael and Luke too? I still haven't decided if I should add them or not.

If I was your boyfriend (Ashton Irwin)Where stories live. Discover now