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Short little author's note! I just want to give a quick shout out to all who have been reading this story. It means a lot to have your support.

Destiny is nearing the end BUT it is not the end of Destiny. I have decided to write two more stories after. Fate and Luck. Fate is already started and I know you'll love how the stories transition. I'm so excited to see where this goes!

As always, please vote or comment on your thoughts. Give me ideas for Fate or Luck if you would like!

Thanks for reading,



Chapter 29

Aryan shut the bedroom door behind him and handed over the tub of ice cream, knowing I needed it the most.

"Is he here yet?" I asked.

He sat down beside me on the floor, his wings brushing mine. "No. But Lucy's pissed that we're hiding out up here."

"I'm pissed that she told him he could stay here without even asking us first."

"This is her house, Julia."

"What? You're defending her? This is our house, too. She can't just-"

He put a hand over my mouth. "I'm not defending her. I'm just as mad as you are. But she wouldn't bring Kellan here if your safety was in jeopardy."

I pushed his hand away. "I don't know if I can trust her."

"She's your mother, Julia."

"That's what worries me."

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in close. "I won't let anything happen to you."

I handed over the ice cream. "Thanks for staying up here with me. And for bringing ice cream."

"I knew it'd cheer you up."

"How long do you think he's going to be here?"

He shrugged. "Lucy hasn't told me anything she hasn't told you."

"Is she afraid you'll tell me stuff she doesn't want me to know?"

"Julia, you need to calm down. Lucy isn't hiding anything from you. I certainly wouldn't."

I glared at him. "You two have known each other a lot longer than either of you have known me."

"Trust me on this, Julia."

I took the ice cream and stuffed a large spoonful in my mouth.


I tossed a pillow at the ceiling then caught it before it could hit my face. I repeated this several times before Aryan smacked the pillow away from me.

I glared at him. "That was rude."

"You're going to make yourself nauseous doing that."

"It's the only thing keeping me entertained."

"We could go downstairs-"


"You should have planned this out better."

"Me?" I asked, sitting up.

He laughed. "You're the one that chose to hide out up here. I would have stayed in the kitchen. Where we have knives."

"That's why you're the brains of this operation."

"You're smart, too."

I rolled my eyes. "Why is there nothing to do around here? How have you and Lucy not gone insane yet?"

"We know how to entertain ourselves. Books, sparring, cleaning, cooking..."

"That doesn't help me at all. I hate reading and cleaning and I can't cook or spare."

"There's always time to learn."

"Forever, right?"

He kissed my cheek. "Right."

I pulled a feather from his left wing. "Can you teach me to fly?"

"There's not enough room in here."

"I don't mean in here." I rolled my eyes.

He looked at me for a few seconds before he sat up."We can sneak our way out."

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