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Chapter 5

The girl with the wings was back. This time she wore a long black dress and her feet were bare. She wore her hair on top of her head in a tight bun.

The rain was coming down, making the dress stick to her body. Even I was getting wet. I sat where I could see her and another man but without being in the way. Like I was watching all of this unfold.

The man was shirtless and only had black jeans on. His hair was slicked from the water and there was a scar on his forehead. Just a small, but noticeable, one. "Stay out of this, Luce."

"I'm not letting you hurt her."

"This has nothing to do with you."

"Everything concerning her is my business."

He rolled his eyes. "You're so overprotective."

"Because I don't want her killed? That's not being overprotective, Kellan."

"She doesn't know what she is."

"She's harmless."

"You don't know what she's capable of."

"And you do?"

"I know her a hell of a lot more than you do."

Lucy looked stunned. She took a step forward and jabbed Kellan's chest with her index finger. "Don't you dare throw that in my face."

"You know it's true."

Lucy was about to say something when the two of them turned their heads in my direction. I was frozen in place, unable to move.


The rain stopped and they weren't wet anymore. Only I was. My hair clung to the sides of my face as I stared at them, terrified. What would they do to me? They knew I was there; they could see me.

Suddenly, the man was in front of me and his hand reached out to touch me.

I screamed and shoved my arms out in front of me. A man groaned and when I let my eyes open, I saw a nurse in front of me, kneeling down by the tub.

"Julia, it's alright. It's just me."

I swallowed hard and wrapped my arms around myself, not liking how vulnerable I was.

She handed over a white towel. "Let's go lay down."

Taking the towel, I wrapped it around me and stepped out of the tub. Water droplets fell down around me, my hair dripping down my back. As I passed the mirror, I saw my eyes were rimmed in red and they looked puffy.

Turning my gaze back to the nurse in front of me, I stepped out of the bathroom and went to my bed. There was an outfit laid out for me though I couldn't remember if I had picked that myself or if the nurse had.

I put the clothes on and crawled into bed. My hair clung to the pillow and soaked the cover under my head.

"I'll come check on you in a little bit, okay?"

I nodded. I waited until the door shut before I grabbed my sketch book. I started drawing the wings on the angel first. Then the dark hair and eyes. I curved frames around his eyes, forming his glasses. The man... angel... was beautiful. I couldn't understand why I was dreaming about them or what the importance of it was. Dreams always held some importance, some meaning. I just couldn't figure out mine.


The community room was packed when I finally made it there. The table with the giant puzzle was filled and the table Brayden was at was filled too. It looked like he found a new friend.

I walked over to the two of them and raised my eyebrows. The two were playing chess.

The boy with Brayden looked familiar but I couldn't place where. The sleeve of his sweatshirt covered his hospital band, making it impossible to know who he was or why he was there.

"Julia, meet Kellan. Kellan, this is Julia." Brayden said, moving one of his pawns.

Kellan didnt look up at me. "Nice to meet you."

"You look familiar. Have we met before?"

"I don't think so." Kellan finally glanced up at me and that's when I saw it: the scar on his forehead. He was one of the men in my dream. One of the angels.

I took a few steps back and hit the wall behind me, grateful for the support.

"Are you okay? You don't look so good." He said and a surprised, worried look appeared on his face.

My mouth got dry and my hands felt shaky. I grabbed Brayden's arm and yanked him to his feet. His chair almost fell backward and he stumbled a few steps before he caught his balance.

"Julia, what are you doing?" He asked, sounding more annoyed than confused.

"What... who is he?"

"He... he's Kellan. He's new here."

"Do you think... he's supposed to be here?"

"You're one to talk, you know."

I sighed. "My nightmares include him. He even has the same scar."

"People fall down and get into accidents, Julia. It's normal."

"He looks exactly like one of them."

"Is there something wrong here?" A nurse, Vicki, asked, coming to stand between us and our view of Kellan.

"I think Julia needs to rest. She's not looking too good." Kellan said.

I glared at him as the nurse took my elbow and lead me from the room. Brayden stood there watching after me like I was crazy.

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Edited 3-14-19

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