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Chapter 10

I spent another day confined to my room. I missed group and breakfast and received my medication late. I wasn't complaining but the messed up schedule was really throwing me off. Ever since Kellan arrived, things haven't felt normal.

At lunch, Amy brought my food to me. She had a small, pink bag with her, tucked under her arm. She set the tray down beside my bed and the pink bag on the bed.

"What's that?"

"I wanted to do your hair for you."


"Is that okay?"

I nodded, grabbing the paper cup filled with pills and tossing them in my mouth. There were more in the cup now. Ever since Kellan's arrival I'd been getting more pills added. The worse it got, the more pills I got.

I'd stopped complaining about it, too. I was exhausted all the time and constantly paranoid that something was going to happen. I wasn't myself and that was obvious. I didn't think the pills were helping me get back to normal but at least it made me feel less crazy.

She pulled a chair over and sat down. "My mom used to do my hair for me when I was your age. She liked to put color in it and trim it so it framed my face. She always found the hairstyles that would compliment me the most."

"Do you still see her?"

"I try to visit. She's at a nursing home now and she doesn't always remember me."

"I'm sorry."

She patted my knee. "That's alright. I've had a long time with her."

"How old was she when she had you?"

"Just a little older than you. Sixteen. She raised me on her own."

"Was it hard?"

She exhaled. "Sometimes. She tried her best and I can't thank her enough."

"Do you love her?"

"I'll always love her." Her pager went off and I knew something was happening. Someone needed her for an emergency.

She got to her feet. "I'll be right back."

I watched her go before picking up the juice and taking a few sips. The food didn't look that great and I knew it wouldn't taste any better. But they were watching me and if I didn't eat, they'd force it down somehow.

Why aren't you here, Julia? I need to see you. I miss you.

"Julia, look at me. Look at me."

I squeezed my eyes shut tightly and shook my head.

"Julia, it's just me. There's no one else here."

I opened my eyes slowly and Amy was kneeling in front of me. She was worried; more worried than I'd seen her in a long time. I couldn't form any words, in my head or with my voice. My lips just parted and closed several times before a sob broke through. Then another. Then more, until I couldn't stop.

"Lay down, sweetie."

I shook my head quickly, my hair flying around me. If I laid down, I'd sleep. If I slept, I'd dream. If I dreamed, he would hurt me.

She rubbed my back. "No one's going to hurt you."

"He's here."

"Shh, just relax, Julia."

"No, he's here. I'm not safe."

I wasn't aware that the door had opened. I didn't see the nurse walk up behind Amy. I had no idea what was going on until Amy was stabbing the needle of a syringe in my bare leg, injecting something into me.

She brushed my hair away from my face and helped me under the covers. "Get some rest, sweetie."

"It's not safe." I told her, pleading with her.

"I'll be right here, Julia."

I shook my head. "N-no."

The door opened and Dr. Martin stepped into the room. He barely glanced at me, his focus on Amy, on someone who wasn't crazy. "How's she doing?"

"She's in pain. There has to be something we can do for her."

"Is she being honest with you?"

Amy looked over at him. "She wouldn't be like this if something wasn't going on."

"You don't know her like I do."

"I beg to differ."

He sighed. "She's already heavily medicated. Anything further and she'd be in a vegetative state."

"We can't just leave her like this."

Dr. Martin rubbed his jaw. "There might be something we can try."


Aryan closed the door behind him and leaned against it, watching me. His wings were pulled back and out of sight. "You're safe here, Julia."

"I don't know if I'd call this safe." I mumbled, staring around a bedroom. It was similar to one I'd been in before. One with him in it.

"Lucy and I can protect you."

"Against Kellan?"

He laughed. "I've fought people a lot bigger than him before."

"That's supposed to make me feel better?"

He frowned. "I don't mean to scare you, Julia."

I sat down on the bed and sighed. "What now? I just hide here?"

"The windows are bulletproof here. The doors all have locks and deadbolts. The basement is sound-proof. We can protect you."

"So is the hospital." I crossed my arms over my chest.

He sat down beside me. "You could handle him if you wanted to, you know. You're stronger than you know."

"I don't believe that."

"I wouldn't lie to you."

I swallowed and stared down at the hard floor at my feet. "Am I like you?"


"Mostly?" I asked, my voice squeaking.

He chuckled. "You were born an angel. The rest of us were... turned."

"Turned how?"

"By God."

"Is Kellan?"

He nodded. "Yes."

"How do I stop him?"

"You kill him."


Edited 3-29-19

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