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Chapter 23

"This is so good. Why didn't you get a job at the hospital to spy on me?" I said, a mouthful of pancake blocking my words from coming out correctly.

Aryan made a face. "I don't think so."

"What, crazy people freak you out?"

"You don't scare me." He said, pointing at me with his fork.

I punched his arm. "I'm not crazy."

"No, but your friend Brandon is."

I paused at how wrong his sentence was but I ignored it and continued the conversation. "Do you think it was wrong of me to take him out of there? Aren't his parents freaked out that he's gone?"

"You were looking out for him. I'd have done the same thing."


"I probably wouldn't have brought him though."

"Why do you not like him?"

Aryan picked at his pancake, trying to stall to buy himself some time. "You wouldn't care to know."

"Come on, he's my boyfriend."

"I know."

I raised my eyebrows. "So what? Why don't you like him?"

He finally looked up, his eyes wide. "You can't guess?"

"I could but I know I'd be wrong."

He sighed and pushed his plate away from him. "I'm... jealous of him."

"Why, because he hears voices? It's not all it's cracked up to be, you know."

He smiled and ran a hand through his hair. "No, not that."

"You need to spell it out for me."

"Clearly." He mumbled.

I glared at him.

"Look, I-"

I gasped and arched my back. I felt like I was going to throw up from the pain.

"What? Julia, are you okay?"

I wanted to play it off like it was nothing but I couldn't prevent the pain from showing on my face.

Aryan got up and walked over to my side of the table. He knelt down in front of me. "Talk to me, Julia."

"It's... there's something... my back." I gasped.

He walked behind me and put one of his hands on my upper arm. "I need to lift your shirt up. Is that okay?"

I nodded.

He pushed my shirt up and stopped halfway up. "Julia..."

"Don't judge me for not wearing a bra, okay? Brayden and I weren't doing anything. I swear."

"Have you looked in a mirror lately?"

"No, why?"

He started walking away from the kitchen. "Follow me."


I stared at the mirror in shock, not sure what to do or say. Or feel. I wanted it to be a mistake but there was no mistaking something you could see.

"Julia, talk to me." Aryan said, putting a hand on my shoulder.

I pushed him away – literally. "I can't do this. Not... not now."

"I'm not going to say anything to anyone."

I shook my head and walked out of the room. I knew Aryan meant well but I didn't want to talk to him. I didn't want to talk to anyone about what I saw. I wanted it to just... go away.

I went out the front door and walked down into the yard. The sun was just coming up over the horizon, making everything an orange color.

"Julia, please talk to me."

I turned and Aryan was standing on the porch, his wings extended.

Just the sight of his wings made my heart start hammering in my chest. I took off running and wound up in the forest.

It was like a scene from one of my nightmares. The path that I'd always followed in the opposite direction was now right in front of me. I guess I knew where it ended up.

I kept running, knowing Aryan was following, and was surprised to see the giant rock up ahead. Though I wasn't sure why I was surprised. I knew the features of this area all too well.

I collapsed against the rock and slid down to the ground. It was damp from the rain earlier the day before, the moss squishy under my palms. My back touched the stone and I winced.

Why was I running from him? He only wanted to help me. He wouldn't say anything to Lucy if I didn't want him to. And he certainly wouldn't talk to Brayden. So why was I so afraid of him?

Was I really just ashamed and taking my frustrations out on him? Probably. I was sure of it.

Aryan ran past me, his wings extended like he was ready to get into the air to find me. Man, he was dedicated.

"I'm sorry." I whispered, my lips dry.

He stayed where he was but turned around to face me. "I'm not going to hurt you, Julia."

"I know."

We stayed where we were in silence. Even the birds were quiet.

Then, after what seemed like forever, Aryan walked over to me. He sat down beside me and stared up at the tops of the trees.

"I hate change." I mumbled, throwing a rock.

He smiled. "I used to."

"What changed?"


I threw another rock. "What happens now?"

"Are you going to say anything to Lucy? Or Benson?"

I rolled my eyes. "I don't know. I have to, sooner or later."

"When you're ready."

I looked up at him, my eyes wide. "Is that even an option?"

He grabbed a rock, the one I was about to throw, and threw it. "No one will know anything."

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