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Chapter 22

Brayden handed me a bowl then sat down with one of his own. "Ice cream for the sweetest girl I know."

I punched his arm, blushing. "You're so embarrassing."

He laughed. "I'm proud of it, you know"

"I'm not at all surprised."

"Did Lucy tell you about the gazebo in the back?"

I shook my head, staring down at the bowl in my lap. "We don't really talk much. Not unless Aryan is there."

"Is that like a rule or something?"

"I just... I'm afraid she's not telling me something. Something that I need to know."

"She's your mom, Julia-"

"Why wouldn't she tell me then?"

"Maybe she's just waiting for the right moment."

"That's hard to believe."


I took a bite of ice cream. "I don't want to talk about it."

"Okay." He said, getting quiet. "What do you want to talk about?"

"Can we just... sit?"

"Sure. Whatever you want."

I set my ice cream on the night stand and went over to the window. Lucy was training again. Her hair was sweaty and stuck to her forehead. She was practicing with Aryan, her hands balled into fists in front of her.

"Do you think I should trust her?"

"She hasn't hurt you yet."

"Who's to say that won't change?"

He shrugged. "You should talk to her."

"You know, I hate you sometimes."


I sat up and looked around the room. Everything was dark, tinged with blue from the moon outside. From the floor, I could hear Brayden snoring.

I sighed and flexed my back muscles. Either the mattress was too hard or I was sleeping wrong.

I laid back down on my side and pulled my knees to my chest. The pain in my back lightened up only a little but it was still there, lingering.

After rolling for several minutes, I finally gave up and got out of bed. I walked past Brayden and left the room.

As I was walking down the hallway, a shadow moved and I jumped, backing up against the wall. I winced at the pain.

Aryan stepped into the doorway of his room, his arms crossed over his chest. A soft yellow light came from inside. "What are you doing up?"

"I could ask you the same thing."

He got silent and just watched me. He was wearing a gray t-shirt and dark blue shorts. His feet were bare.

"Do you think you could make something to eat?"

"It'll cost you."

"Either go back to sleep or get away from my door." Lucy threatened from inside the room I was standing beside.

I moved from the door but kept Aryan's gaze. "Well?"

He pulled his door shut then nodded for the steps. "Let's go."

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