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Chapter 21

"Brayden, can you stop moving?" I asked, shoving Brayden over so I could sit up straight.

He mumbled in his sleep, his head falling back onto my shoulder.

I sighed and erased that giant scratch made by my pencil.

I looked up at Lucy and Aryan and smiled as Lucy had Aryan pinned on the ground, her foot on his chest.

"You should know I'm not predictable."

"No, but you trained me. You then suck because I suck."

"You wanna see how much I suck?" She took a couple steps back then waved her hands at him. "Come at me, then."

I finished drawing the long hair on the picture before I held it up, comparing the picture to the person. Almost spot on.

Brayden started snoring, his head rested on my shoulder.

I sighed and brushed his hair out of his eyes. He looked a lot younger when he was sleeping, like there were no responsibilities he had to worry about.

Aryan groaned and I looked up to see him lying on his back, his hand over his face. Lucy stood beside him with a grin on her face.

"A little help here?"

I put my book in my lap. "Sorry. I don't fight."

He laughed and took Lucy's outstretched hand. "Then what were you going to do if Kellan had really been in that room instead of us?"

"Probably die."

Lucy sighed and walked away from us, going into the house from the back door.

I raised my eyebrows.

Aryan sat down on the ground in front of me. "She's mad that you won't train with her."

"I'm just not a fighter."

"Then what would you do if someone came at you."


"And you think that will be enough?"

"If I was meant to fight, I'd be built to fight."

"You think Lucy got this way just from being born? She's been training since she could walk."

I rolled my eyes.

"I'm completely serious."

"I believe you. I just think it's a little out there."

"What part?"

"All of it. Angels are supposed to be peaceful and offer guidance and do God's work."

"Sometimes God sends us to live in the middle of nowhere and take in stray children."

"I'm not a child."

He smiled. "You are only 17; I'm a few hundred years older than that. To me, you're a child."

"So... angels are immortal?"

He nodded. "Unless someone kills them."

"Do you pick how old you are when you stop aging?"

"I wish. It just happens. Some people never stop aging and some stop when they're children."

"What age were you and Lucy when you stopped?"

"Lucy was nineteen, like you know. I was twenty-six. Just a day shy of my twenty-seventh birthday. But I was hoping I could stay young anyway."

I laughed.

"Lucy and I moved to the states in the 1800's. Just after the Louisiana purchase. We wanted to see if the gold was real or not."

"Wasn't there any in... Europe?"

"France. There was some but America was still new. There was so much to explore. Lucy and I were curious about it all and figured that we had nothing to lose."

"No family?"

"Lucy and her parents don't talk anymore. There was a... falling out that caused Lucy to shut them out."

"What could have been that bad?"

He looked at the house, like he could see Lucy standing inside, glaring at him or something. "Lucy doesn't like to talk about it. She doesn't like  me to talk about it."

"But... I'm her daughter."

"I'd rather you ask her. I really don't want to step on any toes."

I sighed. It was weird to think that anyone could be mad at Lucy enough to not talk to her for decades. No, centuries. Lucy was caring and protective and...

Maybe I could understand.

"You should know that she likes having you here with her. It's easier to keep tabs on you-"

"So it's easier for her to know what I'm doing and how much trouble I'm getting in?"

"So she can worry less about you getting hurt. She only wants you to be safe, Julia. There's nothing weird going on here, I promise."

"Why do I feel like there is?"

Brayden rubbed his eyes and sat up. "What'd I miss?"

I sighed. I didn't think Aryan would say anything about Brayden, especially family secrets. It didn't seem like he liked Brayden anyway.

I knew I was right when Aryan got to his feet and extended his wings.

"I'm going to get some fresh air. I'll be back later."

Then he was gone.


Wattpad didn't seem to want to take my update last night so maybe it'll work now. Thanks for reading.

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