Chapter 18- Forgiven never ever after

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I feel hands snake around my waist and give me a tight tug back into their front. I already knew who it was, but I don't flinch. "You try to fight it too much. It's taking your soul, leaving unsteadiness in you, Max." he mumbles.

"What does that mean?" I ask.

"You know you love me down inside you. You burn for me, but your past and stubborness enables you." he says.

"What do I do?" I ask and it feels as if his hands vanished but his hands were visible. I touch them and only feel my own clothing.

"Wake up." his voice nearly whispers with an echo.


I force my eyes open. "Max."

I blink some more and let my eyes adjust until I realize who it was and then jump. "Liam! You're not suppose to be here!" I whisper.

"I don't care." he says and I flick on the dim light. "Liam, don't make this harder-"

"Look, I had a break down today. Its just- I don't know it gets- tough." he stutters.

"Tough..." I repeat. "You hurt me, Liam. Do you expect me to make it easy?" I begin to snap.

"I know! I'm just- I'm trying to figure out what you want. I'm trying so hard, Max. " he pleads.

"Why even try, Liam?"

"I know I overreacted. I thought I could control it but everythings..." he trails off and I look at him curiously. His eyes glimmered in the dim light. Outlining his profile as he turns his head to look away. His hair wasn't as neat as normal, he has shadows under his eyes that looked exhausted. "Have you been crying?" I ask and he only looks at me. I become afraid that he might have tried to kiss me when he leaned in but he pushes his arms towards me, brushing up against mine and pulls me tight to him. He only wanted to hug me. He was too strong to push away.I find it extremely difficult in resisting him. I want to forgive him and let everything go back to normal, but he scared me half to death. I've never seen his behavior so out of character. He's always so controlled.

"I'm sorry, Max." he whispers and I actually heard the quaver in his voice. He's crying....

I grip the sheets to keep a firm grip on myself. I will not give in. He tucks his head in tighter to my neck, impaling his scent into my nose. His sweet calming scent that now at the moment, made me want to throw a bomb and jump on it. He pulls his head away and presses his forehead to mine. "Please come back home with me." he whispers and I inhale to keep my control. Home?

The wet trace on my neck was also on his angular cheekbones, shining as I pull my head away enough to look at him. I begin to envy him since he was a beautiful cryer. His eyes lighting up a little more, showing a bright hazel. He looked so innocent. I knew I couldn't hold back on this one. "Will you stop crying if I do?" I sigh.

He turns and wipes his cheeks with his shirt. "Sorry." he laughs uncomfortably.

I sigh afterwards and stand up. "Come on." He helps me to the ground and once on my feet I shoo his hands away. But on the way there he tries to grab my hand so I pull away and cross my arms but after another attempt of now putting his arm around my hip, I sigh and let him. His persistancy is going to be the death of me if he doesn't stop.

I'm hesitant to walk in his room when he opens the door. I don't want to be in touching distance from him since I figured out what his size and muscular ability allows him to do. I stand in the middle of his room probably looking completely pathetic but he caught my body language. The look in his eyes made my heart sink but he looks at the door. "As you wish." he says and walks out, I follow him to a room that he opens the door for me and lets me in. I sit on the guest bed and after an awkward moment of him looking to the side in the doorway wearily he turns back and slowly walks in.

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