Chapter 29- Missing Identity

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When I stepped out of the shower, I couldn't help but stare at the "scar" on my stomach. Now come to think of it, I don't remember it coming out this far around my ribs. It was a darker shade of tan. I ran a hand over it. Maybe this is the reason no one loved me in high school, why I was shut out from friends and lost my family. Maybe there is still a place waiting for me where I belong, and maybe that is by Liam's side, as one of him? Or this is the reason why im untouchable. If that makes any sense. I sit in the bed and search the book of Enoch on the laptop. I always wanted to read it but never got to it.

He sat down next to me after I was 4 chapters in. "Still reading the Scripture, huh?" He slightly smiles and pulls me into his lap. I stay focused on the screen on a mission.

I actually haven't been reading much lately. I've been kind of confused about my faith since Liam. "I talked to my father about sending you to training with the Arcs." He says and snakes his arms around my stomach. He caught my attention.

"And? What'd you guys conclude on?" I ask.

He sighs. "I would go with you, stay with you, and train with you, but I could not help you during sessions. You'd be under close monitoring by all of us. You'd be in the same facilities as the others and everything would still be as if you were one of us. Which is a disadvantage to you." He says while letting his chin rest on my shoulder.

"But if I am... one of you... why haven't I ... turned yet? I mean, Jacob was 15." I say hoping it wouldn't bother him that I brought up his brother. I felt his hand tighten and then release. "Maybe because you're human."

"If im half... " I say remembering my father bloody on the battle field. Its a sickening thought. I wouldn't know what to do if my family were still alive. I probably wouldn't approach them again. Or I would've found out by now. If I am what I think I am, then does that mean that my siblings were the same? Or would've been the same?

"But my family had so many kids." I add after his lack of response. He clears his throat. "They're human." He laughs faintly and closes the laptop screen to get my attention back.

"They want me to bring you tonight." He says lowly and I could hear the lack of smile in his voice. I swallow but after all, this is what I wanted. "What all will happen?" I ask and lean back into his chest.

"You'll get toured around the facility and be told everything you'll need to know. You'll probably start tomorrow morning at dawn." He says and I shudder.

"But you'll be with me, right?" I ask and he presses his lips to my temple. "I promised you I would. " he reminds me and I faintly smile though an unsettling feeling sat at the pit of my stomach.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" He asks and after a moment, I nod. "I want to figure out who I am." I say sounding too distant than intended.

"You're beautiful." He faintly smiles. It didn't reach his eyes though. He brushes my hair away from my face and parts my lips with his. It was just a small moment gone viral. Once he turns me over to face him and lays back on the bed he grabs my cheeks, both hands spreading all the way to the back of my neck, and pulls me away an inch. "I love you, Max." He says and I saw the urgency in his eyes. I sit up a little. "We won't be able to touch each other when we're there, won't we?" I ask and he shakes his head. I dip my head back down and stop before my lips touched his. "I love you too, Liam." I say and he rewards me by pulling my head closer with both hands. "One day, I'll be able to prove it to you." He says and pauses while glancing away. "I wish I could sooner, but my law bids me not to." He says slightly awkward and I smile at the thought. "Its okay. The longer we wait, the more amazing it'll be." I say and win a full smile that reached his eyes with a little laugh. "Yeah, my pain is your pleasure." He mumbles and I furrow my eyebrows. "What?" I ask and he smirks.

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