Chapter 4- Nervous

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I pass him in the halls a lot. I never thought I'd be so paranoid in the first month of college. But I began to look forward to seeing him even though only once or twice, he would look back. Why did I have to go to that stupid party? A guy I see at lunch walks up to me in the hallway. I don't know who he is but I saw him with Liam a few times.

"Hey um. You're Max, right?" he asks.

I nod. "Yeah."

He flicks his hair out of his eyes and slightly smiles. He was quite attractive. "Well I'm Alex. I was gonna ask if you want to go somewhere Friday night?" he asks.

So he's another Rick. Well, I take it back. I get along with Rick. This guy? He's bigger than Rick and almost has a threaten appearance compared to Rick. Alex is almost too muscular.

I see Liam leaned up against the wall texting a distance away. He was alone, but that still didn't save me from Alex at the moment. "Um... I have things to do Friday night." I say.

"What about Saturday?" he asks. Dang. Pushy much?

"I rather not." I say. Well, I might not be so polite with him today.

"I insist." he says with a growing smile and I swallow. His eyes were devious.

"I have to get to class." I say and attempt to go around him but he grabs my arm and pulls me back in front of him. "I want you go with me." he says a little more persistent.

"I said no." I say a little harsher. What kind of guy is he? He places an arm on the wall behind me and doesn't remove his free hand from my arm.


"You listen to me!" my father yells as he pins my wrists above his hands. "Let go of me!" I shout through my whimper.


I open my eyes and realize I was now crying and was still pinned by Alex.

"Let go of me!" I shout louder.

"Alex." I hear a weary male voice say and then see all the people. He turns and looks and I actually see Liam. "Just let her go." he says.

I used Liam as my distraction and manage to pull my leg up to push him back with my foot. I used all the strength in my leg to shove him. He didn't go too far but enough for him to let go of me so I quickly walk in another direction. Away from Alex... and away from Liam.

I didn't realize his roughness put me in the middle of a flash back. I thought I was over my past. What happened? I'm stronger than this.

I run to my dorm and slam the door. Screw class. I'm skipping. If they get mad about it then I can sue. What guy forces a girl to date them? I guess I should be rather grateful that other people were around to see. Gosh, Liam had to be that one there... Why Liam?


It seems, Alex, has me paranoid, a week later. He keeps staring at me. I want to walk up and punch him, but of course I wouldn't. During lunch someone grabs my arm and I jump and turn around. "Hey calm down. It's just me." says Liam. Its just me... the guy who still scares me.

"What do you want?" I ask and walk away.

"Will you stop and let me talk to you?" he asks as I get to my spot and sit.

"What is there to talk about?" I ask and he sits by me with his legs crossed.

"Alex feels bad about what he did." he says and I huff. I was more disappointed that he came to talk about Alex. For some reason, I wanted him to say more, but it was just a hopeless thought. Why does this man drive me nuts without doing anything but breathing?

Grey ThornsWhere stories live. Discover now