Chapter 55- Down fall

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"Why is this happening?" I ask quietly as I look out my window. Firemen were on the side of the street trying to put out a house on fire. We drove past slowly. Other demons wandered around like a regular citizen here. It all looked so different. "They out number us." He mumbles and I look at him. "Liam, you're not saying-" I begin and he nods before I finish. "Yes. Its bound to happen soon. They're figuring out how to disguise like people. Which makes it hard on us." He says and the uneasiness settles back in my stomach. "How do we stop it?" I ask and he shrugs. "We'll have to fight eventually but you're still in no shape to be doing anything." He says and I sink down in my seat.

Phillip was at home when we returned. He was on the couch talking. She must of just woken up. "She's awake?" Liam asks and he nods. "She said someone broke in. It couldn't have been a demon, but they spoke of Max." He says and I swallow uneasily.

"Do what are we talking? Demons are enslaving humans now?"  Liam asks and Phillip shrugs. "I'll report to the Arcs immediately. Jamesworth wants to talk to you immediately." He says and Liam furrows his eyes. "He fell off the face of the earth, now he suddenly wants to talk?" He asks and Phillip nods. "He said to bring the girl and we will leave tomorrow morning." He says and Liam nods.

"Come on. We need to change your bandages." He mumbles to me and tugs my good arm to go upstairs. So I follow.

He lifts me up on the counter and looks at me carefully. "Jamesworth is the only one who can marry us together." He says and my eyes dart to his. "So what's this mean?" I ask and he bites his lip and looks down. "I don't know, it depends on what he wants with us." He says getting quieter. "Does it still hurt for me to kiss you?" He asks and I shake my head. So he parts my lips carefully and kisses me. He couldn't even settle the unsteadiness inside me. We have war in our blood, why does it scare me so much?

His kiss wasn't intense like usual. He was... depressed? Maybe. He pulls away and looks down to take off the old bandages. They still hurt. "It looks better." He says and I look at the hole the size of a quarter in my leg. He cleans it up with alcohol and places another bandage on it. My shoulder was the same process. "How are your ribs?" He asks and I shrug. "They're better now. My back just hurts." I say and he faintly smiles. "That's an angel thing." He says.

I sit up straight and try to stretch my back but it was sore. "Lie down. I know what to do." He says so I walk to the couch and lie down on my stomach. He leans over and runs his hands up my back. He lightly pushes on my right shoulder blade. "Does that hurt you?" He asks and I shrug. "Not very much." I say and he places both hands on each side of my spine and pushes. The crack hurt but I kept my mouth shut. "How do you know how to do this?" I ask and a smile tries to tug on his lips. "I went to college three times remember?"

He cracks my back a different way and rolls me over on my back. He pulls my arms up and half lifts my back up to place his hand underneath. "Is it bad I find this a little strange?" I ask and he chuckles. He was half hugging me. He presses down and my back cracks again. He let's go of me and hovers over me with his arms holding me up. "Better?" He asks and I stare at him for a moment. He needs to stop being depressed. I hold back a giggle as I pull his chin down to mine in one sharp movement. He was caught off guard but he smiles into the kiss and then I feel his laughter. "I don't understand you sometimes." He mumbles against my lips and I urge him to come closer so he climbs on top of me while he seeks his tongue across my bottom lip. I accidentally let out a moan and feel him smile again.

"You should smile more." I tell him and touch his jawline. He glances away and presses his forehead to mine. "Why?" He sneers. His eyes followed as my hands slid underneath his shirt. "Cause you have a pretty smile, and I hate seeing you depressed." I say and he lifts his forehead away from mine to look at me with a sigh.

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