Chapter 31- Blades

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I stand in front of my target. 7 blades in my hand. Liam and Gabriel were pacing slowly back and forth examining us all. I hoped they wouldn't stop at me, but after a few moments of me just staring at the blades, how they fit in my hand, and how my fingers can hold it, Gabriel stops behind me. "Are you going to sit there all day or what?" He remarks and I look at him over my shoulder. Liam was watching me from a few people down. I swallow and glance down at the blade before lifting my elbow back and releasing it in the air. I prayed for it to stick. Once I heard a thud I looked up and saw where it landed... 3feet below the target board. I only stared at the board while I heard him laugh behind me. Everyone turned at me.

"I take it back. Two weeks was an overestimate, I'll give you a week." He says. I look down and let a few strands of hair fall in my face as I stare at the next blade in my hand. Its day two, I can make it. I can.

Liam stops in the empty space next to me and looks at me once Gabriel walks away. Liam didn't speak but I could read his face. He picks up the blades and looks away from me to look at the board. I stare at where his eyes focused on as he threw it. He glanced at me again and hesitated before throwing the next one. I focused on the position of his arm this time. The third time I watched where released it and raised my own hand. I stare above the board, stepped forward and released my hand. It hit the bottom of the target, but it hit the target. I look back at Liam who saw it, and caught his mouth pull up in a smirk as he looked away and threw another one. He's trying to help me, he's not allowed to vocally help me but he's trying to work around it.

I wrap my fingers around another one and stepped forward, releasing it, it hit just next to the last one. I look at Rafaels board next to me, all of his blades hit the center of the target but one. We were allowed two hours of this before we moved on. They led us to a glass door. I saw grass outside. I didn't know exactly where this place was located at. But it was a decent temperature. They let us bring our jackets.

Running, one thing I can do fairly decent. I lasted probably around 2 miles before I dropped to the back of the group. Liam and Gabriel led in the front at a steady pace. I stopped and bent over at the knees panting. "Come on, mortal." Gabriel calls. I look up and see Rafael running up to me. "You have to keep up. He'll beat you." He says rushed and tugs my hand to catch up. My legs almost collasped as I used them to run again. Rafael pulled me to keep up with his strides but I didn't pull away from him. He was gripping my arm to keep me from tripping. I felt like a slave... I literally felt like a slave here.

They brace to a walk and everyone let's out a sigh. I bent over and Rafael patted my back. "Thank you." I say and he shrugs.

I soon run to the side and vomit, 4 times. Everyone watched me. At least I wasn't the only one though. Another girl soon joined me. My arms shook along with every breath. I could barely stand. My forehead was dripping sweat but it was too cold still to take my jacket off. "You have to tough it out girl." Mika smirks as I walk by him.

Gabriel and Liam held the doors open for us once got back to the facility. Gabriel stopped me by my shoulder. Both him and Liam looked at me. "Are you sure you want to stay?" He teases with a tormenting grin. I straighten and nod. "I'll prove you wrong." I say boldly. Behind my false words was fear.

"How are you going to do that?" He asks.

I look him in the eye. "I don't know, I may not be made of stone but I'm not made of glass either." I say. He let's me walk on. The day was only half over. No one spoke to me in lunch, but I sat between Mika and Rafael again. The girls wouldn't shut up about Liam. I forced myself to eat. We had an hour of free time before our next session. I laid down in my bed and covered my face with my hands.


The next morning started with another run. Rafael and Chase held up at the back of the pack with me. I was surprised Chase was alright with me. The girls in here are too competitive and too boy like. Chase is bitter but at leased I have someone.

I kept my eyes on Liam's back. He soon became my motivation to not walk. I never want him to run away from me. I would chase after him. Like I am now. He's not in my reach and probably never will be but, I know he'll stop eventually and let me catch up. But for now I'm back of the pack.

My shirt underneath my jacket stuck to my skin and the blood gushed against my hot skin chilled from the cool air. My knees throbbed. I was still stiff from yesterday. Day three, I can complete day 3.

"Listen up. Tomorrow, you will learn basic defense moves and Friday you'll be matched against someone. You're percentages will be up to see where you all are standing in the first week. " Liam announces. My shoulders drop. I'm on the bottom. During the free time we had to yourself, I went in the training room and practiced throwing again. I felt a little more determined today.

I jumped when Gabriel walked in. I immediately stopped and looked down at the floor. "I'm sorry, I just thought..."

"Continue." He cuts me off and stands behind me with his shoulders against the wall. "Sir?" I ask and he untangles one of his arms to motion me to continue. "I was speaking with Liam and Phillip about you. You're known to adapt to almost any situation. I want to see it for myself." He says and I glance at him over my shoulder before turning away and holding up a blade. I stare above the target, because I'm likely to throw beneath it if I stare directly at the center, and cock my arm back before releasing it in the air. It hit the board, a few inches below the center. My breathing was unstable since I was expecting some crude remark. I was hoping he wouldn't see the few blades that landed on the floor.

"Let me show you something." He mutters and steps forward. He takes the blade out of my hand and stands in the open spot next to me. Instead of turning to the right, he stood to the left and lifted his arm up close to his chin while looking directly above the target. He threw it with ease and it landed dead in the center.

"Why are you helping me, sir?" I ask quietly and he looks at me. His dark brown eyes were too intense to stare at, but I challenged them. He wasn't as near beautiful as the others here, or as youthful, his face had small scars, along with his hands. It made me wonder why he does not heal like the others. But I knew not to question him.

He shrugs. "Im curious to see how you'll rank out. I still don't think you'll go very far, but I saw all your Sims on war and your family." He says and begins to walk out of the room. "I'm still gonna be hard on you little one. I could never pity someone as weak as you." He says and exits.

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