Chapter 35- Leaving Behind

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I broke away from Rafael and chase during our run and pushed my aching legs harder. I was two people in front of them now. Liam was still a few people up from me. I knew this was as much as I could go today. I still wasn't satisfied. Though my body told me to stop, my mind could still continue. The next lesson after lunch was shooting bow and arrows. I grew nervous watching Liam demonstrate with a target. I studied the angle of his arm, the position of his hands, and the timing he let go. It was our turn to step up to the plates. I swallowed hard as I remembered my simulation with the sirens and the child.

I picked up a Titanium arrow and stare at the way my hands held them before lifting my arms parallel to the target. I counted, 1,2....3.

Once I let go, I realized I was the first one to make an attempt. The arrow hit just below the center. For me, I was pretty darn proud. I hesitated to pick up the next one. But when I pulled the arrow back, someone moves my arm. I look over and see Liam. He didn't make eye contact, he just positioned my arm and continued slowly walking down the isle of shooters. I watched him walk for only a short moment before letting the arrow go. It landed dead center. Everything in my head still seemed off from yesterdays event but I continued. The only thing that hasn't gone away is the increasing pain in my back.

I don't flinch when Gabriel stops next to me to observe. "Continue." He orders so I pick up another arrow and pull my arm back, remembering the way Liam put my arm and stare at the target before I let go. It landed between my previous two arrows.

Gabriel nods. "Nicely done." He says and moves on.

My make up day ended up being Thursday the following week. I watched Liam show me how to load it and how to aim. It was hard not to let my mind wander. He hands me the gun and I feel the edges with my thumb. The loud blow from the gun made me jump back and drop it. The jerk hurt my wrist. "Here." He says and stands behind me. I stiffen and try to exhale as he lifts the gun and wraps his larger hands around mine. It was just like the one time he showed me the shooting range in his house. The thoughts made my confidence weaker. "Shooting a gun is more necessary than a blade or an arrow. If you can hit the target then you'll do fine." He says and squeezes the trigger. His hands were steady. Mine weren't. I think I was just more nervous from him more than the gun.

By week 4 I could run with only Luke and Harry in my way of Liam. I could somewhat shoot a gun with control, blades and arrows weren't my strongest but they were more accurate. I stared up at the bored for week 5 ranks.

13- Max 72%

I let out a big breath. 8 more percent and I'll be safe. I have 2 more weeks. My hands were shaky. Kurt offers a hug so I give in. "Nice job girly. You're catching up to me." He uneasily laughs and I look at the bored again. Above my name was his with a 76%. Most of the others were in the 80's. The 6 people below me were close. The bottom score was a 70%

"I only have two weeks to bring it up to 80." I say nervously and he smiles. "You're doing fine." He says and I shrug. A hair falls in my face and he lifts his hand to tuck it behind my ear. It was a simple move but he looked awkward. "I've only won 2 matches." I say and he shakes his head. "Yes, but you can make up for that with your aiming." He assures.

I went to lay down in bed and hissed, the quick movement to sit up hurt even worse. Everyone was asleep so I walked into a bathroom and lifted up my shirt. Once I looked over my shoulder into the mirror the sight made me gasp. Two lines all the way down my back from my shoulder blades were bloody raw and infected. I turned around and looked at the mark on my stomach. It no longer looked like a scar. It wasn't dark but it was a faded brown. The swirls ran all the way up to my chest now. My breathing hitched and I pushed my shirt back down before running to Liam's bed. I shook his shoulder roughly and he groaned. "Shh... Liam, wake up." I whisper and see his eyes slowly blink open. "What?" He whispers annoyedly. "Liam, you have to see this." I say tugging at his arm. He slowly sat up and I drug him to the bathroom. I closed the door and flicked the light on. He rubs his eyes to adjust to the light.

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