Chapter 16- Wisdom

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It seems like a long moment of a steady rhythm between us.... or at least it was until someone very loudly clears their throats. The sound of our lips departing made my face flush with pale heat when I see his mother's grin. She didn't seem very upset though. She seemed rather cheerful.

Either one of us say anything but her attention turns to me. "I have some clothes for you to borrow if you want to get out of those clothes." she says and I nod and step off the bed but Liam pulls me back by my hand. "She can borrow mine, its alright." he says with a grin.

His mother laughs under her breath before she heads for the door. "Alright." she says and Liam wraps one arm around my waist and pulls me back to sit. He managed to roll on his side to pull me in his torso with his knees to one hip and his shoulders to my other.

"Doesn't that hurt you?" I ask and he nods. "A lot." He said and laid his head down. He looked so worn out it hurt me. I couldn't look in his eyes so I played with the sheets to distract me.
He reaches up and touches my cheek and after I glance up at him I pull his hand away. He grew annoyed. "Why do you keep pulling away from me?" He asks and I look away and shake my head. "I don't want to do anything I'll regret." I admit and he sets his jaw. "Meaning what? You regret kissing me?" He asks narrowing his eyes. My spine shuttered under his harsh tone. "I just feel you're forced around me. Cause I mean, why else" I stop and shake my head. "I don't want to say it." I say hushed. "Sat it, Max." He orders and I sigh as I sit up to look at him. Maybe if I looked him in the eye once, I could have the conviction I need. "Why else would someone as perfect as you want me?" I spit out and he looks at me for a long minute. I tried to determine if he was about to explode or if he was just in deep thought. I could see the gears turning inside his head, I just couldn't see what they were processing. He reached up and pulled my chin down to his. What? I don't understand him...

He had a firm grip on my jaw line and the back of my arm, not letting me go. I knew he was struggling the way he tried to move. So I didn't bother in trying to pull away. His lips were warm and soft, I didn't realize how frozen solid I was stuck until he moved his hand down my arm to my wrist. I didn't know what he his purpose was right now. He pulled away and ran his thumb down my cheek. "You're gonna have to help me up if you want clothes." He says and I nod and stand up.

I stand up and use my strength to pull his weight up. The pain in his eyes made him look more worn down and beaten as he walked.


"Caligula had good intentions at first, but he only wanted power and it went to all his head." he says.I guessed correctly when I asked him to help me with history... Not like it took much thought.

"How long did he have control?" I ask looking at the next question. "1400 days, no! Weeks, no I think it is days." he says.

"Well what is it?!" I ask laughing and he comes to a conclusion. "Days!" he says and I laugh and write it down. "Keep talking." I say and he sighs. "Um... well, he was insanely smart but everyone thought he was crazy because of his sick and twisted desires. His power came to the point where if even a person were to look at him wrong he'd order them killed. They ended up killing him on his 1400 th day of reign. Then killing his wife and child too. They made sure all the statues of him were dismantled because they wanted nothing left of him. He enjoyed to watch pain and suffering. It pleased him and his masitistic mind." he says.

I look up at him curiously. "How do you know so much about it? You weren't born then." I ask. "My father was though. He's extremely knowledgable about ancient Greek and Roman times." he says.

"Oh." I say. "What else happened in your time?" I ask more curious. The faint smile that appears on his face looked more pained than pleased. He didn't look at me when he smiled. "Well, this century is entirely different from mine. Just to put it in short terms." he says honestly. "What do you mean?" I ask.

No trace of smile was on his face anymore. He seemed mournful but tender. "Well," he says almost sighing. He doesn't look at me as he starts fiddling with my fingers. "Back then, I would've asked you properly to dance at that party, formally of course, with less intimacy, then I would walk you everywhere and maybe steel you're first kiss. Well, maybe twice." he says almost poetically.

"What do you mean by intimacy?" I ask wonderingly.

"Well," he slightly laughs under his breath. "I really shouldn't say." he says nearly blushing.
"Why not?" I laugh slightly. I find his awkwardness adorable since it's rare for him. "Because nows not proper to explain." he slightly girns and I frown. "Well why not?" I huff and he slightly laughs and I notice his hand press into his side.

"Because you'll find out eventually." he slightly chuckles and I don't reply to him but I look at his short breathing that his wrapped torso gave away. "Why don't you lay down for a while?" I suggest trying to push his shoulders back. He gave in enough to lay on his back but he pulls my wrist away and holds them. "Why? i'm-"

"Quit hurting yourself okay?" I slightly smile to lessen his worry. "I'm not hurting." he says and I frown. "Angels aren't suppose to lie." I say and he rolls his eyes. "Fallen.... not angel. And I'm not lying." he says and I giggle.

"Quit trying to act tough and take it easy." I say and he slightly laughs. "I'm not acting tough." he says and she sighs. "Nevermind!" I protest.

He was playing with my hands now and staring at me blankly. His stare made me confused and I glance away uncomfortably a few times."Why are you staring at me like that?" I ask. He shakes hi,s head. "No reason." he says.


I wake up to an empty bed and sit up quickly looking around. The bed was slightly warm so he hadn't been gone for long. I stand up and walk down the hallway about 10 feet. "Liam?" I ask. "Come back in the room, Max." his voice calls in my mind so I return to the room and he was sitting bare chested on the bed with his hands in his lap. The bandage was off leaving his open wound. "Where'd you go?" I ask and walk up to him. "Took a shower. I didn't think I'd worry you that much." he smirks  and pulls me by the back of my thigh to be closer. His face might as well be on my stomach. "I just didnt know where you were. You're better today." I mention and he shrugs. "We heal faster during sleep." he says and I peer down to study his facial structures. He still looked like he hadn't slept in years but still looked youthful. I play with his hair as he looks at me. It didn't last long before my fingers started to tremble and I stopped before he noticed. "You still look tired." I say and he slightly shugs to the best he could without pain. "Ill be fine." he says.

I realize where his hand still was and felt a shiver down my spine. I'm not used to this yet....

"So the sinner has full recovery? Impressive." appears his brother in the doorway with a smirk.

"Sinner?" Liam questions. "I heard your dream last night." he smirks even eviler and Liam opens his mouth to speak but doesn't and glances at me who was staring at him for an explanation. "Hmmmhm." he grins and Liam swallows. "You know what's weird? My little brother stalking my dreams. Time you get." he says shooing him away but he refuses as Liam pushes him.

"Yeah, dreams of a 300 year old teen having -"

Click! Went the door and Liam looks back at me and innocently smiles. "You were saying?" he asks and I cross my arms. "What was he talking about?" I ask with a grin. "Uh... nothing." he says clearly embarrassed.

"Liam." I say.

"Max..." he mutters back and I sigh. "Liam!" I shout and he rolls his eyes.

"Okay! It was just a dream. Nothing to worrie about." he assures. "I wasn't worried I was curious to why your brother made fun of you for it." I mutter and he walks over  with a grin. "Maybe someday you'll know when it happens, but for now," he says and roughly pecks my cheek with a grin. "Sorry sweetheart." he says sardonically and walks out into the hallway. I wanted to chase him but instead just pleasantly watched the way his muscles contorted when he walked. Liam looks over his shoulder and I nearly chomp on my tongue. "I heard that." he sends me and I flush like a tomatoe but I kept staring anyway.

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