Chapter 11- Haunts and Foul Play

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I guess Kacey and Seth are dating now. I couldn't help but feel jealous about his arms around her waist from behind. Why can't I be held like that? I want that. Throughout my entire high school career I always hated seeing others all over each other. I remember even crying over it. By senior year year, I became to careless of it that I only held pure hatred every-time I saw a happy relationship. I guess other things added onto the depression then but I guess nothing matters anymore. Liam only dropped me off and returned home. He said he had things to take care of. Didn't say what but I sort of already knew. I sit on the ground after class and wait for Liam. Im not sure if I was permitted to go to my dorm or not but I didn't want to come close to it. I finally see him and walk up to him. "I know I'm late, they held me longer than I thought." he says and grabs my hand as we walk in the direction he came from.

"Hold you back for what?" I ask.

"Its more of a... meeting. Kind of." he says. "With other angels?" I ask.

He uses his other hand and taps my nose. "Fallens, and yes." he says. I was just drained today. I didn't acknowledge really anyone either. Well, except Kacey who asked me about my jacket, which I was glad to say it was his. When we get to the house, or castle if you want to go there, he sits on the bed next to me and I curl up in a ball against his side. "Why are you in such an odd mood?" he asks. I shrug and hang my hand on his shoulder. "Just a bad day." I guess. I honestly never really had an explanation for my depression. "Well stop. You're making me depressed." he says.

I nearly jump when I hear a dog's bark in the house. "Arrows back." Liam slightly laughs and opens the door. He calls the dogs name and in comes a giant white fluff ball. It jumps on the bed and becomes weary as it sniffs me. Too much hair for a king shepherd or Great Dane and too big for a German shepherd. "Is this uh... Is that a wolf?" I ask and he nods. "Yep." he says flopping on the bed and wiping the dogs legs out from underneath him as he hugs his neck and roughly plays with him. The dog growls viciously and attempts to bite him and Liam laughs and pets his head. "Think you're bad huh?" Liam teases and roughly pets his head. The dog lets out another growl and Liam laughs. "Well son, you're not." he says and lets go so he could sit up. I watch and somewhat laugh as Arrow sits on the bed and gnaws on his hand.

"You just let him bite you?" I laugh.

He shrugs. "He's being gentle." he says and I raise an eyebrow. His eyes were so cool to look at. Solid white fur and bright blue eyes that looked like eye liner around them.

I reach out and let him sniff my hand and he stands up and flops in my lap, which he was clearly too big for. "Well I feel betrayed..." Liam says and Arrow pulls his jowls back and growls when Liam reaches out to touch him, so he retreats and laughs.

"Well Max, you have a new friend." he says and I run my fingers through the fur on his stomach. "I like dogs." I smile.

"Well he has a big personality and he's very judgmental, so... you can keep him." he shrugs. "Why haven't I seen him before?" I ask.

"He comes and goes." he shrugs.

"Oh." I say simply and continue to pet him.


"Mother? Mother! Where are you!?" I call frantically. I hear no answer. "Mother?!" I call louder. The darkness of the parking lot grows increasingly cold. The dark chill in the air choked me up. "Mother!" I scream.

"Max.... Max!"

"Max! Wake up." I hear a flat tone. The slight shaking of my shoulders made me open my eyes and see a big blur. I realized I was crying and stand up out of bed and fall. "Shoot. Dang it." I say and he crawls out of the bed. "Max?" he asks and I stand up before he could get to me and run to the bathroom. I thought the memories were put away and the nightmares were over? Why did they have to come back now? Especially with him. I look at my splotchy face in the mirror. I hate the feeling of crying and I hate how I look when I cry. The more I looked in the mirror the more I wanted to punch the reflection in it. I don't know the person looking back at me and for all I care they can stop staring at me.

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