Chapter 14- Faded

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"Why does he keep staring at you like that?" Kacey asks, making a face of annoyance. I didn't bother in looking over my shoulder. I could already feel his eyes on me. I just cowered lower to the table I was sitting at. "I don't know." I mumble and she raises an eyebrow as she glances back at him. "Why what is he doing?" I ask. I already know he's in my head listening right now anyway. "He's just smirking and laughing with his friends, but he keeps looking over here." She says. "Oh Lord..." I mumble and lay my head in my arms.

"So something has been going on." she half way grins and waves her finger at me. I halfway groan. "I feel pathetic when I'm near him, Kacey." I admit and she laughs. "Well, duh he's gonna make you feel that way. He's a guy. Do you like him or not?" She asks and I lift my head and nod. I don't want to like him. If it was my choice, I would run. I'm attracted to him in all the wrong ways... I shrug at my blushing self but I kept thinking.

"Then quit being a whimp." She shrugs an I frown. Only if she knew. "I'm not." I say and she laughs. "You're afraid of a guy, Max. That's pretty whimpy." She says a little too loudly and I glare her. The bell rings and I quickly get up. But by the time I reach the door, he caught my arm and pulled me away from the traffic. His narrow eyes glimmered down on me and I had to look down before my face turned red. The sun beat down on him just right, the collar of his shirt hung low on his chest. He was sooo perfect it crushed me. "My family is having a party, I want you to come. Because they'll be more likely to find you when the counsel is distracted." He explains and I swallow and nod. "Okay." Is all I say. "I'll walk you to class." He says and I study him from the side as he walks at my side. "Why do you want to walk me to class? I doubt they'll get me now." I half way laugh and he shrugs and glances at me. "Do you want me to let you walk alone?" He asks and I frown. "No." I mutter. "Then don't complain." He says and I try to shove my feelings aside. I watched the hungry eyes that noticed him in the hallways. I hate feeling so compared to his looks, even though he's a guy. He's a beautiful guy, and I'm a regular girl with depression problems. We probably look rediculous walking down the hallway next to each other. 


"My mother is giving you our style clothes so others think you're apart of us. You dont have to be down there the whole time." He tells me and his mother walks in. With something white.  I don't answer, but I give him an unpleased look. Doesn't change the fact, I have to dress up.

His mother laughs when he pulls me in a room I've never been in before, or more like dragged. When he stops, I throw my weight down and bend my knees as I attempt to pull out of his grip, but he was too strong to even step back. "I've caught the beast." he says and I scoff. "How dare you!" I say and he just grins towards his mom as she laughs. "Not the dressing up type is she?" she chuckles and looks down at me struggling.

"Absolutely not!" I say and he jerks me to my feet in one jerk and I squeak. "You'd expect her to listen to her angel also, but that doesn't happen." he says and I sigh with a loud puff of air and glare at him. "Well, to impress the other royals, she's going to have to wear something, uh... not so mortal." she says and I look at her confused.

"Ill let you fight with her." she laughs as she sets something white on the desk nearby.

"Wait... Whoa whoa whoa! He's allowed to watch me change?!" I question and she shrugs. "We trust him, he knows the consequence," she says heading towards the door. "And its not like our type can "overpopulate" so... yeah. Later, dear." she says slightly sarcastic and leaves.

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