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Aphmau's pov

Aaron is healed, thanks to mom, but I'm still a bit stressed. Lilith, I feel like she needs a better home. Somewhere better to live. I feel like I'm failing as a parent. I walk upstairs, sit at the desk, and start to look up people who will adopt. I don't want to send her to an orphanage because she doesn't deserve that. I start looking for someone like us so she won't be going away to some parents that are very different from us. I keep looking and find no one. Everyone sucks. I soon reach the bottom of page ten and give up. I go downstairs, walk onto the front porch, and light a cigarette.

Aaron's pov

I get inside after work and can't find aph. I see Lilith asleep in her crib and smile. She deserves better. I keep walking around, yelling aph's name. I then look on the front porch and see her smoking. I open the door and say,"Aph! What are you doing?" I was in shock. I didn't know she started smoking." I'm sorry, Aaron. Life's been stressful with all of your cancer and Lilith, she deserves better. I couldn't find anyone who would take her. I was just so stressed." She explains, looking down." Aph, I understand why you're stressed but when did you start?" I asked, worried for her health." I started smoking when we first found out you had cancer. At night, while you were asleep, I would sneak out onto the front porch and light a cigarette." She says. I grab the one she was smoking and threw it away." H-Hey! I wanted to finish that!" She exclaimed." Nope! You're stoping right now." I say, walking inside.

A/N sorry, I lied. I was bored in the car and decided to update! ^3^ anyways, hope you enjoyed this small chapter. Baii

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