Wildest Dreams

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Aph's pov

The first day with Aaron was great we went to IHOP for breakfast, Olive Garden for lunch, and LaPeep for dinner.IT.WAS.AWESOME!! I loved all of da food! Then we cuddled in bed and he asked, " Hey Aph? Will u be my girlfriend?" " Aaron.....I LOVE YOU OMG YASSSSS YASSSS I WILL!" Tonight was our first night and we were soo happy!

Aaron's pov

We loved sleeping with each other. I made breakfast for us. She said that her and Zane were going to the mall which I didn't really care about so I told her be careful and have fun. Well she is gone, I'm going to get her one of those HUGE teddy bears at target. And I have to clean the house AGAIN! Man, we made a mess. I texted Aph to ask her how long she is going to be gone. She replied " In a hour." I only have a hour so I better start. This is going to her wildest dream come to reality! She is gunna love it! 🎁💝

( I just wanted to name a chapter " wildest dreams" so I did that little part at the end! Hehe how's the book? U likey? Lol😝 again I was tired if the writing was sloppy. It was midnight.)

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