Sparks Fly

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Aaron's pov ( he isn't dead )

Today, Aph was aloud to go home. When we got home, she sat on the couch with Lillith and watched some anime. Lillith just laughed. Aph was smiling at her. Lizzie was making lunch. Everything was perfect. I called everyone over to see the baby that didn't come, like Travis, Dante, Laurence,Garroth, Kiki, Vylad, and Kawaii chan, she couldn't make it because of her job. She REALLY likes that job. So, everyone is coming over in 1 hour.we have to get a ton of things ready for when they come over like clean the house, put Lillith in clothes, put away everything and get snacks for everyone. Yesterday was busy, I don't want today to be too.

Lillith's pov ( surprise! )

Today a bunch of people came over. They were all so big and kept making baby faces at me. It was scary. So I screamed. Mama came over and put me in my bouncy thing.( did you guys have those? Like they were in the doorways? No? Ok ) Anyways, my mama put me in my bed and I fell asleep instantly.
Lizzie's pov

I went to take a nap after everyone left. I didn't talk to anyone really. I was just in my room. No one said hi and no one said bye. Do they even like me? Should I be friends with them? I am friends with Travis but other people like Katelyn and Lucinda. I like them, but do they like me? Maybe I could go ask them if they wanna hang out later. I told Aph my plan and ran outside to Katelyn's house. I heard that she doesn't like Lucinda. Should I tell her about me? I mean I Aph knows what I am but that's it. I am going to chat to her. Maybe we could be friends.

Katelyn's pov

Today, I was just watching Tv when I herd the door bell ring." I'll get it!!" I yelled. When I opened the door, to my surprise, Lizzie was standing there." Hi Katelyn, I was just wondering if you would like to go out to Starbucks with me tomorrow morning?" She said, smiling." That, actually sounds really nice. No one really asks if they want to go gat coffee with me!" I said." Thx, so see you tomorrow morning?" " sounds great! See you then!" I said." Oh, and Kawaii chan can come too if she wants!" " ok bye!" I said with excitement in my voice. She would be a great friend unlike *cough* Lucinda *cough*

( hope you enjoyed. Sorry for the lack of chapters. Meh wifi is down. Anyway hope you enjoyed a long chapter today and baiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!! )

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