Speak Now

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Aphmau's pov

Today was my wedding day. Lizzie was helping me get ready. We were both super excited! We couldn't wait for the music!

Aph: Lizzie,what is he says I don't?

Lizzie: don't over think Aph, he loves you with all his heart!

Aph: I guess you're right...

She was doing my hair and makeup. Then she said it was time. She stood next to me. We held hands as we walked down the isle together. I didn't have a dad so I just asked Lizzie.We got there and she stepped back. "Blah blah do you, Aaron take Aphmau, to hold, in sickness and health, be your wife?" " I do" " blah blah do you, Aphmau take Aaron, to hold, in sickness and health, to be your husband?" "I do" " Of the power in light, I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride." The pope said. Me and Aaron kissed while Kawaii chan was taking pictures. That girl has a big problem. Me and Aaron ran down the isle and across the street to our reception, which was at a art museum. We got a big room to ourself and had a big party. Everyone was all dressed up in nice clothes. We were all having a great time! Then, it was time to cut the cake ( or the cheese ) everyone was around me and Aaron. We each had a hand on the knife and cut our cake slowly. We all cheered as I smushed cake in Aaron's face. We all just started laughing." YOU WILL PAY APHMAU!" He screened." I'll pay you with a child, how about that?" " Fine" he said. We laughed. It was so fun at the party.
Lizzie's pov

The wedding was great and I soon fell asleep. When I woke up, I was in bed. I wonder how I got here? Aaron. He is so nice. Anyways the wedding is over, but there is still one thing to worry about. The baby. It is due this
MONTH??!?!? I hope Aaron knows, which I bet he does. So we are getting prepared, like getting ready a diaper bag for the hospital and a few change of clothes for Aph. We want everything to happen smoothly, which it probably won't, but let's just see how this turns out.

( long chapter today. My wifi was down so I had nothing to do. Hope you enjoyed and sorry if Lizzie's pov was short! Anyways baiiiiiiii! )

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