[23]: Coma

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"You okay?" I hear a male voice ask me.

It's weird, I can hear him, but I can't respond.

"Wake up!" I hear another manly voice ask.

"She's not waking up. Blaine, go get Jen."

"Okay, I'll be right back."

"It's gonna be okay," the voice said reassuringly.

I felt a hand stroke my hair. I don't understand this. I can somewhat feel and hear what's going on except I can't respond.

"Oh my gosh!" Now it was a female voice, she sounded like she might cry. "Was sh-she found here?"

"Yeah, me and Ben were playing football and Ben threw it to the bushes and found this girl laying here."

"Call 911." the female voice said.

"Okay, I'm on it." the manly voice said. "Hello? We found this girl and... Jen, check her pulse."

Next thing I know I feel two cold, trembling fingers against my wrist.

"She's breathing." she sounded relieved.

"The ambulance is on it's way."

* * *

I was lifted onto a stretcher.

"C-can I come inside? Just to make sure she's okay?" the woman asked.

"Ma'am, do you know her?" I think it was the paramedic, I don't recognize his voice.

"Y-yes." she hesitated.

I didn't know her! She might turn me in!

I heard the doors slam shut and the woman kept holding my hand and talking to me.

"It's going to be okay, the doctors will make you feel better." I heard sniffling sounds in the background.

* * *

I can feel myself being placed on a bed. A bed. It's so soft and comforting. I could sleep here forever.

"Miss... you may leave now. She'll be in good hands." I here another voice say.

"I'm staying here."

"You'll have to wait in the waiting room, later on you can visit her."


I heard footsteps fade away.

* * *

I remember being hooked up to different tubes along my body and the nurses and doctors talking.

"I wonder what happened to her." a nurse - I'm assuming - asks.

"She must've hit her head pretty hard and she's now in a coma."

A coma?!

"Poor baby, what's her name?"

"We need to find that out."

"How long do you think she'll be in the coma?" the nurse asks.

"Hard to say. It could be weeks, months or even years."

His words play back in my head:

"It could be weeks, months or even years."

I can't stay like this for years.

"I'll come back later, tell the woman with her that she can see her." the doctor said.

I hear some more footsteps.

Adopted by Jennifer LawrenceWhere stories live. Discover now