Chapter Twenty - One.

Comenzar desde el principio

What felt like forever, I was able to make myself awaken from the black out and l looked around and realised that the transit van had stopped. I heard some noises and voices outside the van so I moved nearest to the door and the just leaned against the door so I was able to hear what the people where saying. After a few minutes of listening I could hear that it was Daniel and Selena talking about something that I didn't understand. I hear footsteps coming towards the door so I just quickly laid back on the horrible and uncomfortable floor of the van so they didn't realised I was sleeping from the blackout.

Before I knew what was happening I was grabbed and thrown over someone shoulder. I opened my eyes to see that it was Daniel that has me over his shoulder. I turned my head only the slightest to see that Selena was with him. I had a funny feeling that she would be apart of this part.


In progress of them walking to there destination they set taking me too, I was able to listen to there conversation they were trying to have but failing at because all they were doing was swearing and shouting at each other. Can't they talk like normal people. I take that as a no. After a few minutes we arrived to there wonderful destination. Well if you think a dirty old mattress and smells that could knock someone out just by walking in wonderful then you are the perfect place. I closed my eyes and within that moment of doing so I was thrown into the wall instead of the mattress. Oh what a joy. Daniels aim was never very good. I stayed like that until I heard that the voices and footsteps were getting quieter and quieter. When I heard the door close to the hell hole, I got all the strength I had left in me to try moving or even getting up.

It took me a few tries before I was able to stand with the help of the wall. Looking all around the place I could see that there was a small window with the smallest piece of sunlight coming into the room. I slowly looked over to the window to see that it was bolted and locked. Brilliant. That plan is a dead one. I had lost all strength I had left by this point so I just collapsed to the floor and laid there until I was able to have enough strength again to get back to where I was thrown in by that bastard Daniel!

Feeling like it had been forever since all the walking I did to get over here I tried again and this time I was successful. The pain was getting unbearable to take at this point so I got to the mattress and just didn't move. All of those horrible flashbacks and thought were slowly coming into my brain and this time I don't think I am going to be able to stop them.

Justin's POV

As soon I get my hands on that bastard with will made him pay for every single piece of pain he has inflicted on my girl. I need to get my girl back. I need some help with finding Fatime and as soon as possible. I got out my iPhone again and opened up my speed dial and click number 4. Scooter will know what to do and if he doesn't he will know who will be able to help me find her.

"Scooter, I need your help now, bro please?"

"Woaah, Justin slow down buddy. What's up?"

"I can't find Fatime after our argument at the hospital. I found her iPhone in the park near the hospital. Scooter, I don't know what to do.

"Okay, where are you now, I thought you were in the hospital Justin?"

"I'm in the park near the hospital."

"On my way. We will find your girl buddy."

" Thanks man!"

"Anytime Justin."

I quickly ended the call with Scooter and waited. It felt like it was ages until I saw a black convertible drive up towards the park. A few seconds later Scooter gets out of the car and then sees me sitting on the bench and walks over. He sits with me and I try and explain everything that has happened with Fatime and Daniel including the situation that happened today between Fatime and myself. It takes a while to get everything worked out but after it was all said and done Scooter and I had come up with a plan to get my girl back and in my arms.

Someone Else's Not So Good Fairytale. [A Justin Bieber Love Story].Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora