Regaining Part: 1

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(Hey little Jewels!! how are All of you!?!? Well I did a bit of a whoops and published Leo's story first But I meant to go with The holidays so That the time frames Didn't get all Skeewampus! So Leo's Story is the second Regaining chappy's, but he did Speak first just getting That little Confuzzling thing out of the way, Anyways let's get to Mikey's story!!! Love you Little Jewels.)

Oh and Big huge thanks to h2robsar and Jazanna403 for the Wonderful help with this Chappy!! Oh and a Thanks to by_internet_queen_ for her use of Prompt #18, love her Ideas!!

Oh and Big huge thanks to h2robsar and Jazanna403 for the Wonderful help with this Chappy!! Oh and a Thanks to by_internet_queen_ for her use of Prompt #18, love her Ideas!!

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Mikey's feelings: I looked over as Leo whispered, " I just. . . . . don't want to see any of you get hurt." His head now bowed, looks like he's done. I looked to my right to see if Donnie was going to talk next but he kept his head down looking at his hands looking like his brain wouldn't work. I didn't think Raph would speak yet. . . . guess that means it's my turn. . . .

I sighed before looking up to the girls, They were all sitting next to each other with Venus sitting next to Donnie then Lilly, Serina and Teddi on the stool. "Dudettes, Seriously that party was one of the coolest things anyone ever did for us! Thanks." I had to stop and look away as I saw their faces again. I didn't know why but I was angry, but I didn't know at what until Leo had started telling us.

I clenched my fists, "Leo was right ya should've told us! Parties are great and all but we could've done that later! I just. . . . . " I squeezed my eye closed as I accidentally looked at Teddi as she tried to not cry again. I tried so hard to help everyone to be happy and feel wanted. I hated it when someone was angry, hurt or sad cause I could feel it too. When ever someone got mad even if it wasn't at me I would always wonder did I have something to do with it? or when someone was crying, I would break down and cry with them. But when I found Teddi. . . . I guess I just snapped.

I felt my face get hot streaks as tears ran down my cheeks, "I know I'm just a shell head, and a screw up but if somethin scares ya or hurts ya in some way. . . . please just tell us, or just one of us so we can help. Please I- - - I can't handle not helping when I know I can." After that I couldn't talk anymore, as my tears, sadness and anger took over.

Regaining Mikey's Trust: Venus's Pov

(Let's set the mood here. . . I assume some you are Fnaf fans?! Here's a song for you then, hehehehehehe. . . . . MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!)

It was that time of year again, one of my favorite times here in America, Halloween. It was a fun holiday that they had, where scaring one another is encouraged along with dressing up as anything you wanted!? You are also given free candy and as much as you want too, I personally love the. . . . . silver one with the three something's, the letters are written in red, shoot I always forget the name! But I still can't wait to have some tonight! 

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