The Afterwards

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(I won't even try to do a Funny A/N I'm just going to Bounce right into the story. . . . Sorry for the Long wait!! love Ya little Jewels!!)

Lilly's Pov (hehehe let's Start off with some fluff!?)

Mmmm, it's so warm. . . . that was my first thought as my brain started to wake up. . . wait was it time to wake up? No, doesn't feel like I should. Happy with my decision I snuggled closer to the warmth and sighed happily . . . . Did. . . . Did my warmth just chuckle?!

Bolting up I felt and saw sheets sliding off of not only me but, "RAPH?!" I yelled down at the turtle still half under the sheets I had tossed aside.

Sleepily with eyes still closed he smirked as he lay in what I now knew was his bed, "Raph?! What the shell??" Wait, what was going on? Why was I here? AND WITH RAPH?!? Am I dreaming? No! of course I'm not dreaming!

As I was having this heated mental debate Raph had sat up and was now watching me with an amused look. Head resting on his hand as he just went on smirking. I narrowed my eyes, "What?!"

He grinned, "Nothin much, just enjoyin the show." I growled at him but that just made him smile more.

I slapped my hands over my face, my growls turning to groans, "Master Splinter is going to kill me."

"Not if he doesn't see us, and we ain't doin nothin." Raph grumbled at the end.

I just groaned some more, "How on planet earth do you expect us to get away with this?! And from Master Splinter of all people?!" Heck to the no, I was so not going through 'The Talk' again! Raph can go through it but I sure wasn't!!

I started to climb out of the bed when he grabbed my hand, my knee was bent on the bed while the rest of my body was already off and ready to go. I looked over at him and realized that he didn't even have his mask on? Did that make him. . . . I felt my whole face flush, luckily my fur was black, "Raph, l-let go please." I stuttered, helplessly trying to pull my wrist free.

"Where are ya goin?" He asked confused?!

Didn't he realize how much flipping trouble we were going to get into?! Shell was he thick sometimes!? "Raph!?" I hissed pulling on my arm once more, "I'm going to go find another place to sleep, I can't sleep here!"

"Oh no ya don't." My eyes widened as the next thing I knew I was being catapulted up and right in Raph's lap? I squeaked as he just smirked turning us around he laid down making me sandwiched between him and the wall I was facing, no escape. He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him as his other hand pulled the sheets over us both.

Even with black fur I bet even astronauts would be able to see my blushing face and ears from space?! "Raphael! What the SHELL?!"

"Shhh." Was all he said.

"Don't you 'Shhh' me, what are you doing?!" I started to wiggle.

He snickered, "I'm keepin my girl, what was the word?" I froze as I felt his hot breath come closer to my ears, "Warm."

I groaned, great the deaf girl was caught talking in her sleep, "Raph as much as I love cuddling with you, Now Is Not The Time! Now let me up!"

"No." I growled and started to wiggle more fervently, but that just made him pull me closer, curse you and your muscles Raph!

"Raph! You're crushing me!" Thinking that would make him move, but it didn't.

"No I ain't, now shhh. . . . and go to sleep minx." I shivered as his voice went lower at the end.

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