Green and Green Alone

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( Little Jewels I finally Found my notes!! I would've written this Sooner, and I am so sorry but here is your First Chappy!! Remember what happened last time?! Hope you do!! Here ya go!!)

Raphs pov

I could feel myself being pulled out of the dream and into reality, I groaned as the sunlight started to come through the tree branches. Shell we had fallen asleep! I huffed imagining my punishment for when we went home. My frown immediately dissipated as I saw what was the pressure on my chest.

Lilly was curled on her side on top of me, her right arm was reached over holding my left hand, her left was closer to her head her face turned to the right. Her breathing was slow and when she breathed out it would send a stream down my chest. I had my right arm wrapped around her soft waist and the rest of her was on the ground against my body.

I sighed remembering all that had happened last night, I would have never done a picnic and a dance all in the same night but I sure glad I did. I started to comb her hair back away from her beautiful face, I snickered as one strand had gotten stuck to her cheek, making her squeeze her eyes tight her body shivering.

We just stayed like that for the next little while her sleeping peacefully and me enjoy the closeness. She had been through so much and it was not fair, it had torn me up inside to see her so scared and angry. I never wanted to see her so depressed again, I would make sure of that!

She stirred and I watched as her soft green eyes met my bright ones. She then smiled and shivering slightly she moved closer her eyes shifting to the moonlight yellow ones, "Hi Raphie." she whispered.

"Morning minx." I leaned down and pressed kissed her forehead.

"Morning?" Her face frowned before the sleep was completely wiped from her and she sat up looking around. I smiled amused at how red her face was getting, "RAPH we were out ALL NIGHT?!" she shrieked. I laughed as she smacked my shoulder, "Raph this isn't funny, we are----" I stopped her by pulling her back, but this time I was on top, she yiped out and gasped looking up at me. 

I held her hands gently down by here head, her attention was fully on me and I smirked at her nervous face her eye color switching. I leaned down by her ears and whispered with a smile, "Don't ruin the moment minx."   

I then started the kiss, it was slow and sweet before one of her hands came free pulling my head closer to her deepening the kiss. Her lips were just so smooth, I wanted this one to last as long as possible I thought as I brought her back up and closer so that I was now holding her up. I felt her smile and before I could do anything or think about what that meant I was then flipped so that she was on top. I blinked up at the smiling face that was only a few inches from my own.

"My turn." I stiffened as she gave me the most gentle kiss, barely brushing my lips with hers teasingly! I shuttered as her hands just as slowly and soft brushed up along my right arm and chest before coming up under my head continuing the kiss she brought my head closer making the soft touches more solid.

Shell this was . . . . . . awesome!

Lilly pov

I stayed like that on top of Raph just enjoying every single second of the kiss before pulling away to breath. I glanced at Raph's own flushed dorky face, his eyes were closed but his mouth was perked up in a grin.

"Shell." He mumbled his eyes flashing open, making my already ragged breath hitch as he smiled, "I love being a turtle."

I giggled my face not willing to let go of my blush at the moment we just had, one that Raph apparently didn't want to end. I went to get up when he wrapped his arms around my waist and back pressing me full on top of him, "Did ya think I was done?"

"Raph." I hiccuped nervously, he shuttered as my tail brushed him, but that surprisingly only deepened my blush.

But before he could say or kiss me again my phone buzzed between us, I quickly took that and got off of him and looked at the caller Id.

"Who's it?" Raph grumbled also sitting up.

I frowned nervous but glad it wasn't somebody else, "Venus." the phone rang again

"Eh she can wait." He smiled and leaned over to kiss me again, I put a finger to his lips.

"Raph as much as I'd love to kiss you again, she would kill me if I didn't answer." He grumbled but let me answer.

" LILLY WHERE THE SHELL ARE YOU TWO!!!" her voice rang out jarring me.

"Ouch Venus ears!" I smacked Raph as he chuckled. He then went to pack everything as I listened to a very worried/angry Venus.


I smiled and took a breathe, "Thank you Venus."

"THAT'S RIGHT. . . . . What?!"

"I said thank you, for trying to make sure we were okay."

"Oh well, yeah sure." Silence I smiled thinking I had made the situation better but I was wrong, "So are you two coming home soon, or are you too 'busy'?" her voice changed from yelling to seductive in seconds. I felt myself blush bright at the thought.

She chuckled, "I don't have to be close to know what you are thinking Lilly."

"Venus?!" I shrieked, Raph turned looking at me I waved him off.

"Well I just needed to know if I needed to make an excuse for you two to you know, "I could almost feel her next to me, "spend a little more 'quality' time together."

"VENUS?!" I shuttered, I couldn't believe someone so kind and loving could be so cruel and dirty the next, "No we'll be home soon."

"How soon? ten minuets? three hours, I can make any excuse for you two."

I huffed and grunted, "We'll be there in twenty."

"Oh good. . . .umm Lilly don't bring Raph, Serina's here and is not happy."

I sighed, "okay thanks Venus see you soon." 

I looked up at Raph as he draped an arm around me with an amused smile, "Well that was fun." He chuckled and helped lead me back home.

(what do you think!! I hope I did good!! Love you Jewels!! See ya Later!!!)

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