IV: iv: Prefect

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Author's Note: it's been super long since and update so this'll be a double upload today! :)


The prefect's carriage was filled to the brim with tension. Ronald and Draco stared at each other like enemies, Hermione stared at Draco passively, and Aurum couldn't help but find herself in a staring contest with the Ravenclaw prefect, Anthony Goldstein.

Anthony Goldstein was a seventh year. The Ravenclaw prefects were always off-number so that they could lead the rest. It was certainly odd, but no one ever questioned it. Anthony exuded an aura of confidence and maturity. He had the calmest—not to mention American—voice and the most serene of actions. He commanded authority over the rest of the prefects. That wasn't all Aurum liked about him. He also had golden blonde hair which matched hers, and deep emerald eyes that could steal hearts in an instant. He was even taller than Draco and Ronald which was a feat in of itself. He wasn't as brim as her, but more so than Draco who was basically a toothpick.

"First order of business, I suppose, is that we address the elephant in the room," Anthony said. "Yes, I am not a new prefect like you all. I've been doing this for three years, so I'm sure I'll be the one making the most decisions. First of all, I believe we should discuss our plans for making Hogwarts as safe as possible." Anthony caught Aurum's eyes on him. "Creste, would you like to go first?"

Aurum clutched her breast. "Be still, my beating heart." she whispered to herself.

"Kid?" Anthony raised a brow.

"I believe we should have prefects patrolling the corridors after curfew for only an hour. I think that is a permittable time and allows for people to get sleep." Aurum suggested with difficulty for fear of embarrassment.

"We're already doing that," Padma Patil, the Ravenclaw female prefect, said.

Aurum mumbled an apology and looked down with a scarlet face. She twiddled her thumbs under the table. Draco put a calming hand on hers. She looked up at him with confusion.

With greater confidence than even Anthony, Draco said, "I believe we should have a schedule instead of the prefects just patrolling the halls of whatever house they're in. I've heard many complaints over the years from Potter's crew that Slytherins are let off into the night because they have Slytherin prefects."

"If that's the case, what if a Slytherin tries to screw over a Gryffindor?" Ronald blurted out, his face even redder than Aurum's had been a second ago.

"That's why there's a schedule. Slytherins would patrol one night, then Gryffindor, then Ravenclaw, then Hufflepuff, and so on." Draco explained. "Also, I believe prefects should get days off from time to time."

"That sounds lazy." Hannah Abott, the Hufflepuff female prefect, commented.

Aurum, knowing what Draco was talking about, figured she might as well explain herself. Besides, she'd be spending the rest of her years at Hogwarts with them. "I have lycanthropy."

The reactions were mixed. Draco was shocked that she would just come out about it. Ron and Hermione weren't surprised, they already knew due to their snowy encounter in their third year. Hannah and her male counterpart, Ernie Macmillan, were a tad freaked out—if you could call jumping and holding onto each other a tad freaked out—, Padma was calm about it, and Anthony rose from his seat seriously. He began clapping. Soon, the whole carriage gave a standing ovation for Aurum. They sat back down after about fifteen or so claps each.

"I don't understand." Aurum blushed.

"It takes guts, kid, to do what you just did." Anthony smiled warmly. It was the kind of smile that melted Aurum's heart immediately. She could tell they were already off to a great start.

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