II: xii: Delinquent

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Music from the small radio in Snape's classroom played "Hooked on a Feeling" quietly in a corner. The Gryffindor Trio and the Slytherin Quartet were in detention for the night previous besides Harry who had been having detention for a while. They were ordered to clean up the potions room.

"I never expected to have Slytherins in detention, but your actions were inexcusable." Snap looked at Draco and Aurum. "You put yourself in a dangerous situation, Mr. Malfoy, and you allowed this, Ms. Creste." Snape looked at Vincent and Gregory with a curled lip. "Your loyalty speaks measures, but I expect answers when asked about locations of other students."

He watched the group in cold silence after delivering the list of chores for them.

Aurum removed jarred assorted items for potions from their shelves as Draco and Gregory dusted. Vincent held her ladder. Harry and Ronald swept after Hermione mopped and dried the floors.

"Thanks for sticking up for us." Aurum smiled at Gregory.

He turned from his dusting off the jars to reply. "It's no problem, Aura. I'd give up anything for you. Even my free time."

"No reason we can't have a good time now." Vincent shrugged. He was holding Aurum's ladder in place. He shook it to mess with her.

"Vincent Jasper Crabbe, stop this instant!" she chastised, holding a jar of pickled sprites close to her bosom with one arm and the other firmly latched onto the shelf from which they came.

Vincent and Draco boomed with laughter. After a sneer from Snape, they quickly hushed. While they were looking in that direction, Draco murmured something Vincent asked him to repeat a tad louder. He had been staring straight at Hermione who was chatting with Ron, hugging while doing so.

"Do you think Hermione likes me back?" Draco asked worriedly.

The other Slytherins smiled dopily at the blonde who blushed madly.

"Draco likes Hermione!" Aurum gasped. It was only loud enough for those around to hear.

"Yes, well, only because of her intelligence. It rivals mine, but I believe I'm smarter." Draco dusted a jar furiously though there was no such dust to speak of.

Aurum took her hands off the ladder to gesture. "Guys, we're now in Operation Mrs. Malfoy. We knew this day was coming and we have to get them together."

"But she slapped me over that stupid hippogriff and Hagrid. She's not going to like me after that." Draco moaned. He bent over limply like a morose willow not of the whomping kind. Gregory dusted his face with a feather duster jokingly. No response was given.

"What you need to do is improve your attitude towards her." Gregory put his hands on his hips. "Give her a gift or something."

"Do you think she likes pickled sprites?" Aurum asked, holding up the jar. "Bluebell blueberries? Pig's tails? What about spiced griffon claws? Man, Snape has a lot of food up here. How is this potion stuff? It's more like a food stash than anything."

"Show her Gryffindor pride by giving her that!" Gregory suggested to Draco. "Give her the spiced griffon claws."

"Well, they are okay. Not one of my favorites, though." Draco held his hands out for the jar.

"I dunno if Snape will care or not. Go ask him." Aurum handed down the jar of spiced griffon claws.

The three watched as Draco asked Snape about gifting the jar to Hermione. Surprisingly, the professor cried tears of happiness and nodded for him to give it to her. The Slytherins laughed quietly at the transaction. Who knew Snape had it in him to be that nice?

However, Draco clearly didn't pull off the charm needed for everything to go smoothly. He held out the jar from his body as far as he could in front of Hermione. She was more confused than anything. She accepted the gift and put it on a table, but didn't understand why he was giving it to her. He was stuttering with a red hot face and mumbled something about an apology for Hagrid and the hippogriff. She nodded and continued her mopping.

Draco ran back to the other Slytherins out of breath. They just laughed.

"I did what you all said to." Draco had no clue why they were chortling at his first flirt attempt.

"You did, but you were so awkward. Maybe Remmy can teach you a few things." Aurum smiled down at him.

"He's leaving though." Draco mused sadly.

"But he's always someone you can write to. Same for Sirius."

"I just wish she liked me now." Draco huffed and crossed his arms.

"She will if you get a little more charm and more chaste." Vincent advised. "At least you're not chasing a stag and have a weasel after you." Vincent shook Aurum's ladder again, causing her to scream loudly.

"Hey, Aura! School's letting out for summer tomorrow, so we need to start planning sleepovers. And Draco, you need to teach me and Vince how to be animagi," Gregory said as he dusted a couple jars Aurum handed down.

"This time, let's go to Aurum's. We've all never been together." Draco suggested.

"Watch out. My brother might hex you all." Aurum rolled her eyes.

"Aura, that's not going to happen. Besides, we're purebloods." he laughed. Aurum and the others followed suit.

Aurum climbed down from the ladder and the other Slytherins leaned in for a group hug.

"Next year, no more conflict! Promise!" Aurum swore.

"Promise!" the whole Slytherin Quartet yelled.

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