And for the rest of the day, she walked around the school grounds like she didn't have to go home and pretend to be who her parents wanted her to be.

"You okay there, Hakeem?" I heard Lola ask during break the second Hakeem showed up, and he stared at her for a while before answering.

"Uh yeah. Yeah."


Lola didn't seem so sure but turned her attention to me, nodding at Virginity. "Guess who made their uniforms."


"Kat did because the first one was too shitty," she answered, getting up to kiss her boyfriend. She whispered something in his ear and he sat next to her, hands on her thighs.

"Good morning to you too," I told a very grouchy Malik who I realized I haven't seen earlier.

"What's so good about the fucking morning?"

I laughed at his grouchiness. He looked as devilish as ever with his leather jacket, disheveled hair, and black chucks.

There was obviously something wrong with Hakeem, but I decided not to bother him about it. "Where'd you disappeared to Keem?"

"To get this douche. His bike broke down before he hit the road, and he just decided to call me to pick him up at the end of the second period."

Malik ran his fingers through his hair with frustration. "And the worst part is that I can't get it to fix until next week. I can't carpool with you freaks for a whole week. I need to roam independently."

"I know a few things or two about bikes," I told him.

I've never seen Malik so interested in anything that came outta my mouth until that very second. "No way! I'd buy you lunch for a month."

"Say no more." My grandfather was right after all. Knowing my way around engines could come to my advantage someday.

We shook hands, looking at each other deep in the eye. "A deal it is."

             "You okay there, Keem?" this time I was the one who asked him this question

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             "You okay there, Keem?" this time I was the one who asked him this question.


The dude was as see-through as two-way glass. He could fool the others, but I wasn't gonna believe his lie. I stared at him long enough to get him nervous. A sweat broke through his skin.

I would say that's because of the heat, but he wasn't sweating two minutes before. Hakeem wiped it quickly, but I already saw it. He came to a point where he couldn't even look at me in the eye.

That October NightWhere stories live. Discover now