he put the gun away, and grabbed the bag and put it on his shoulders. he took scissors and cut the tape from around my hands, and my feet.

grabbing me by my arm, he roughly pushed me up the stairs all the way to the fourth floor of the huge mansion.

he brought me to a bright colored room with the windows closed. standing in the room were hair stylists, and racks of clothing and shoes.

the guy pushed me down in the seat of the stylists, and whispered some things in their ears. they nodded.

my shoulders were tense, but the stylists touched my shoulders and massaged them. "relax, and let us do our magic." one of them said.

how can i relax when i have been kidnapped? interrupting my thoughts, all i could hear was the sound of scissors chopping my long her away. it was painful to hear.

sitting in front of the mirror, it was painful to watch also. my hair was now shoulder length, and died a brown color.

 my hair was now shoulder length, and died a brown color

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i hate the color brown in my hair.

it clashes with my blue eyes. i was born with black hair, which made my eye color situation a bit better.

as we came to an end, jeff fluffed my hair a bit and smiled in the mirror at me. "do you like?" he asked.

i shrugged.

it's awful. i heard the door knob move, and i assume that the guy was returning.

"beautiful." he said walking in.

he stood behind me, and put his hands on my shoulders. he slightly pressed them. "smile." he demanded. i smiled a bit, without showing my teeth.

"with teeth." he said grabbing my shoulders a bit harder causing me pain. i have to admit, i've never faked a smile as much as this one at this moment.

jeff and his crew began to leave. as soon as the room was cleared, the guy sat across from me in the room.

he stared at me.

"why can't i go home?" i said through closed teeth. he smiled a bit. one of those sketchy smiles.

"because, we need you darling." he said. "here, put these in." he said handing me brown contacts. i nodded slowly.

i shakily put the contacts in and hoped that they were not prescription because i don't wear glasses.

"grab an outfit from the racks, and some nice shoes and go in the bathroom and try them on." he spat. i rolled my eyes.

he must've seen me because he grabbed me by my neck and pulled me back. "that's what we're not going to do." he said releasing me.

i grabbed a gold dress and black shoes and made my way in the bathroom, locking the door behind me.

"you know, demi's very worried right now. it's a shame you can't contact her." he said chuckling a bit.

"how do you know demi?" i asked quietly.

"i'm phil mcintyre. demi's manager. nice to meet you." he said. i could tell that he's grinning.

"s-so then nick, is nick jonas?" i asked. he sighed. "you're a smart cookie. yes." he said.

"well you're not so smart, don't you think he'd notice me, you dipshit?" i said smirking.

he ran over to the door and banged on it hard making my heart almost jump out of my chest.

"what a coincidence, i've gotten the sister of one of my stars." he said laughing.

"you make me sick." i spat.

phil's phone beeped. "nick's downstairs and ready to meet you. you're not to say anything to him, and if you do, i'll kill you and that's a promise. got it?" he said. i gulped and nodded as i came out of the bathroom. he looked me up and down.

"that looks great on you." he said smiling. i groaned.

"what's my name?" i asked. "be creative." he said smiling.

"ready." i mumbled. phil smiled and grabbed my hand taking me downstairs.

i saw nick sitting on the couch with his eyes focused on his phone.

he stood up as i reached him. "here she is." phil said handing me off to nick.

"wow, you're beautiful." he said to me and looked into his eyes. he didn't stop smiling.

i keep thinking about how phil said he'd kill me. if i made a run for it, would he catch me? i mean, he does know where demi lives.

i don't like how this is going. i'm being made to be someone that i'm not. demi, please come to my rescue.

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