14 | pit stop

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14 | pit stop

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14 | pit stop

"Are you fucking serious?" She asked again when he deigned to not give her an answer

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"Are you fucking serious?" She asked again when he deigned to not give her an answer. "That's called breaking and entering by the way. This could go to your criminal record sheet. And mine for that matter."

"I don't have a rap sheet." He retorted flatly. He'd stopped the car now, after parking on a parking space reserved for McDonalds. The sign 'parking for McDonalds customers only' was next to Seth's red Lamborghini, also gleaming in the sunlight but being outdone by the metallic red of his car.

"Of course you do! You may not have one officially, but you've done enough to actually land yourself in with all those other people with rap sheets. Stop pretending like you don't."

"I never said I haven't done anything bad." He retaliated. "I said I didn't have a rap sheet. Besides, the only reason I don't have is because I've been careful enough to not get caught."

"And what happens if you get caught huh?" She challenged. "Breaking and entering is a more serious crime than drunk driving! And personally I would want my rap sheet to be clear, not that I have one but even though we- wait." She looked around, finally noticing the change in scenery. They weren't driving anymore.

Of course they weren't driving, Seth's hand weren't on the wheel! Grey couldn't have felt more stupid. They were perched on his legs, both which he'd taken up to his leather driving seat of the car, hugging his knees like a little child.

"Oh yeah I was hungry. Let discuss when we go to eat okay?"

"We're eating at Mac? I mean drive through is normal but dining there? Seriously Seth what is wrong with you? I don't really have a problem with it but you'd normally never-"

"Yeah well, I'm in the mood." Seth muttered. He took the car key out of ignition. "Now let's go."

10 minutes later, they'd sat down on a small corner of the loud Scottish restaurant

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10 minutes later, they'd sat down on a small corner of the loud Scottish restaurant. She pushed her tray down on the hard surface of the table, sitting down on a plush chair contrasting to the hard table. She'd ordered a Chicken McSpicy meal despite the fact that she wasn't starving. Seth on the other hand had ordered a Big Mac meal, some chicken nuggets and a vanilla milkshake.

Despite the situation at hand, she smiled to see him eating a lot. She didn't see much of that these days, and whenever they hung out he'd been reduced to only eating a few bites of salad. Grey would've thought he was more conscious about keeping his figure compared to how conscious she was about keeping her own.

"Why do you want to break into Kyle's house?" She asked, popping a fry into her mouth. She thought it be best to reason with him.

"Because we hardly know anything about him. We don't know his background or anything and we may have known him close to a year but we hardly had the time to look him up or anything."

She saw his point. If he was pulling strings to get them into trouble then they definitely needed some leverage. Which was what she was trying to do yesterday.

"But still, breaking and entering is not-"

"Don't be such a pussy Grey." He interrupted.

"Oh you have got to stop interrupting me." She seethed, choosing to ignore the comment.

"Never. Anyways, we won't get caught. Don't worry and live a little." He chuckled, a hearty sound vibrating in his throat.

"I'm living all right." She said in a clipped tone. "But I prefer to live life a little less dangerously." She lied. She was doing drugs for fucks sake. That might as well be up there with breaking and entering under the name illegal.

"Oh shush. Like you haven't done anything illegal."

She stayed silent at that.

"How do you even know where he lives?" She questioned, grasping at straws but she knew it was hopeless. It was Seth Cherington of course. He knew where anyone lived.

He grinned, finishing the last of his burger and opening the McNuggets. "I have my sources."

Grey rolled her eyes. "Of course."

"So we're doing it?" He questioned, sipping his milkshake. Done with her burger and fries, she took one of his nuggets and popped it into her mouth.

"Even if I said no, you're probably going to do it anyways aren't you?"

He smirked. "That's my girl."

"Never, Cherington."


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