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I think that it was hard for everyone to believe that Tyler Joseph was mute. I think it was even harder to think that he was now mute. It was nearly impossible for anyone to imagine he would cheat on his wife.

Jenna stood there holding her bag tightly, her pink hair almost matching the newly red whites of her eyes. "Ty?" She had barely managed to squeeze a sound out of herself. Tyler had quickly moved away from (Y/N), his face instantly paling. His soft eyes had widened, his heart pounding on his chest. He quickly stood up. "Jenna I'm sorry." His hand motions had been extremely fast. Jenna didn't seem to be able to understand him, even though she had promised to learn sign language. She stepped back, slowly.

"How- How could?-" She couldn't even finish her sentence as she had tried to gather her breath. Her eyes had began over flowing with tears while her bag had dropped to the floor. She covered her eyes, her soft sobs filling the room. (Y/N)'s heart sank as she had sat there frozen. She was a home wrecker. Her pink hair no longer looked as bright, and her bright blue eyes now looked cold, frozen and icy. She looked at me, her eyes filled with hatred.

"Get. Out." She growled out, her once soft voice now hard and firm. She was angry, extremely angry. Tyler blinked a few times, thinking that he was yelling at (Y/N). He walked over, setting his hands on her shoulders for a moment before moving away quickly to sign his words. "Jenna, it wasn't-" She slapped his hands down. She had licked her lip slowly, almost to make sure she would dictate her words loud and clear.

"I wasn't talking to just her. I was talking to both of you." She grabbed his tattooed wrist, nearly pulling him onto the ground as she had done so. He had opened his mouth to let out a yelp, but nothing had escaped his mouth. His eyes had began watering over. (Y/N) was frozen for a moment longer before she had hesitantly took a step closer to the door, just before she had ran out. She had ran as fast as she could out the door, stopping near the edge of the walkway, nearly missing the blaze of a car whipping by.

Tyler had nearly jumped as he watched her, his heart pounding. He looked at Jenna. She had her eyes narrowed with her tears still rolling down her cheeks. Slowly, she let go of his wrist in a completely mindless and broken manner. Tyler had began lifting his hand to put on her cheek, but she had stepped back. Her head was hung, her pink hair falling over her face. "Leave." She said softly before swallowing back any tears that were left. Tyler watched her, heartbroken. He knew he had messed up.

He had hesitantly walked over to grab his ukulele, picking it off the sofa. He looked at her one more time before walking over to the door, his head hung. "The last thing.." Jenna began, her voice croaky as she attempted to speak. He stopped in his tracks, but he didn't dare turn around. "The last thing you said to me was that you hated me." She said, a soft and extremely hurt laugh managed to escape her lips. She had took in a shaky breath, Tyler's face already beginning to coat with tears. He wanted to scream out a million sorrys. He couldn't.

"I just didn't believe that you meant it." She said, a bit more harsh than before. Tyler flinched, his shoulders rising slightly as he had pried his eyes closed, biting his lip roughly. (Y/N) had stood by the street, watching how he had slowly walked down he staircase. He had left his heart at that house, and she knew it.

"Tyler?" She asked, but he had simply walked by her.

He ignored her.

Aphonia // Tyler Joseph x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now