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Tyler sat in his room, running his finger over the rubber band that adorned his wrist. He lifted it up. The sound of the rubber meeting his skin had filled the room. He looked to his wrist. His skin had turned a shade of red, and he had frowned. He lifted it up again and let it go once more. His wrist had turned a shade of a dark ruby. He lifted it up once more, but that was when the doorbell rang. He had held the band midair before he had heard the bell chime one more time. Jenna hadn't been home, so Tyler was forced to get up and open the door. He let the band fly with one last slap before he walked to the door and creaked it open.

"Hello." A young girl stood there with a small binder in her arm and a smile painted along her lips. Tyler looked her over before he started closing the door. The girl had held it open before he could close it. "My name's (Y/N)." The smile did not leave her face. Tyler had just frowned as he had narrowed his eyes at her. He didn't need help. He didn't want help, either. He wished that he could tell her to leave, but he couldn't. Her smile had slowly faded before she looked down at the ground.

"Look, I don't think you want me here. That's fine. I just want to help you. Jenna hired me to." After the words had escaped her mouth, he had had enough. He ripped the binder out of her hand and took the pen out that sat along the inside of it. In big bold letters over the top of a blank front page he wrote:

"Fuck off. I don't need your help." 

He shoved the paper in her face. She had frowned as she read it. Her eyes shot back to his. "Tyler, I know you don't want my help. But, you need it. I'm just going to teach you sign language so you can speak." She had put on that smile again. Tyler had still been just as tense and annoyed as before. He took the paper and pen back.

"That's not speaking."

She watched him write that time, and she had replied before he was finished. "Yes it is. It's a language. It's just like speaking." Tyler had ignored her and started writing again. This time, his writing was messier, and it showed his annoyance way more clearly than ever before. He stopped to look it over before looking back at her.

"If I let you teach me that shit for a week, will you go away afterwards? I don't need a scrawny stupid chick babysitting me."

(Y/N) had to admit, it did kinda hurt her when he called her stupid. She had way more education than he could ever imagine, and she just wanted to help Tyler get back on his feet. She had cleared her throat before sighing. "Look. If you decide after a week that I'm useless, then you can fire me. If you think I'm teaching you well, I stay. Deal?" She said with a tilt of her head. Tyler had just frowned and walked inside. 

She took the lack of response as a yes before walking inside.

Aphonia // Tyler Joseph x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora