A Rather Dramatic Entrance

Start from the beginning

"Yes, it is tragic. Anyways, I am making an Inquisitorial Squad, led by Mr. Filch that works to find the students using magic behind our backs. Sign ups are in my office and you can come get them during your classes. Furthermore-"

A loud bang followed by a piercing scream cut Umbridge off. Dumbledore rose and walked to the front of the stage. "Thank you Delores, for that announcement, but if you'll please sit back down." Professor Umbridge nodded and hustled back to her seat behind the head table as students started to chatter.

"Silence students," He said kindly. When the students wouldn't calm down, Dumbledore grew irritated. "SILENCE!" His voice boomed throughout the castle. Harry clutched his head as the pain started to become unbearable. He grunted as it grew silent, causing a few people to stare. Hermione put a hand on her friend's shoulder and tried to speak to him but her voice was muffled by the ringing in Harry's ears.

Dumbledore took the moment of silence as an opportunity and spoke,"Please remain calm students, the teachers will go-"

"Professor Dumbledore!" Hermione yelled. All eyes turned to her and then to Harry's state of hurt as he started panting and breathing heavily.

Professor Dumbledore gave a quick look at what was going on and his eyes widened as he hurried over to Harry's spot, calling Madam Pomfrey over as well. "Hermione, what's going on?" His voice was laced with concern, but also with a calming factor.

"I don't know sir, I think it's his scar." Hermione guessed. Madam Pomfrey took a quick look at Harry and Dumbledore called Professor's McGonagall and Snape over. They hurried over and looked to Dumbledore as he whispered something to them.

There was another crash outside the Great Hall and everyone's attention to the doors. Dumbledore looked as well, grabbing his wand in the process. "Teachers, have your wands out immediately." The teachers did as they were told and stepped out from behind the head table and readied their wands. The students remained in their seats, slowly starting to scoot more towards the head table as the teachers moved forward to be in front of the students.

There was a bang on the doors of the Great Hall and everyone flinched. Some of the first years were whimpering as they held onto each other. Another bang on the door and everyone flinched again, some screeched and the teachers' wand tips started to glow. Umbridge was practically shaking in her boots. She held her wand close to her face as the banging on the doors of the Great Hall continued.

Then it stopped. Everyone stared at the door, waiting for something to happen. "Minerva," Professor Dumbledore muttered to Professor McGonagall. She nodded and glanced at Professor Snape, who nodded in return. Umbridge still looked scared. "Do not engage until we figure out what it is, understood?" Dumbledore advised everyone nodded. Umbridge nodded rapidly and with her eyes closed.

"Alohomora!" Dumbledore said and the spell flew from his wand and hit the door. The doors of the Great Hall gave a loud click, signifying that it was unlocked. Professor McGonagall's wand released a small spark that hit the door and she flicked her wand towards her face. The doors slowly opened as everyone held their breaths in anticipation.

The door creaked open and McGonagall mumbled something before her spell let go of the door. A blast of light blew the doors open as a figure rushed in. She was female. Snape gasped and muttered, "It can't be."

Umbridge panicked, thinking this person was a threat and fumbled with her wand before she grabbed it and pointed it at the female. "AVADA KEDAVRA!" It was like slow motion. The spell hurtled towards the girl as she raised her wand in return.

"Fianto Duri!" She yelled. A light emitted from her wand and grew to surround her, almost like a Patronus shield would. Once the shield was in place, the girl raised her wand once more and yelled, "Expelliarmus!" The two spells collided at the center as sparks of colors crackled from the touch. A large light engulfed the point of intersection between spells.

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