Chapter 4 Nagisa

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I was  fixing to walk into the gym for the assembly when Karasuma-sensei stopped me.

"Where's Karma-Kun and Aika-Chan?" He asked with an even deeper frown on his face than usual.

"They don't come to assemblies. Karma-Kun doesn't come because he finds them boring and Aika-Chan doesn't come because she doesn't want to run into Gakushū Asano." I said.

"Why doesn't she want to run into Gakushū Asano? Isn't he the principle's son?" He asked.

"He loves her, she doesn't. He doesn't know she's dating Karma-Kun. Karma-Kun and Gakushū Asano are rivals. Also yes, he is the principle son." I said and he nodded.

"Fine. I'll deal with them later." He said.

"They're probably still asleep." I said.


"She works at a cafe after school. Then she goes home and does her homework. Karma-Kun walked her to school, home, job then back home before either staying the night and doing his homework or going to his own house and doing his homework." I said.

"Stays the night?" Karasuma-sensei said with a raised eyebrow.

"Nothing like that." I said in a deadpan tone and a sweat drop.

"Hm. Anyway, you can go in now." Karasuma-sensei said. I nodded and walked away from him. Rio-Chan and Kayano-Chan looked at me.

"I'll explain later." I said and they both nodded.

After the whole problem in the gym with E-class not getting a copy of the info then Koro-sensei coming in and giving all of us a handwritten copy, we were outside fixing to head back to the mountain.

"You guys go on ahead. I want to get a drink." I said.

"Okay. Don't be late, Nagisa-Kun Kayano-Chan said before she jogged off. I had just paid for my drink when I heard three guys talking about E-class. I was going to ignore them but they grabbed my vest and made me look at them.

"Hey don't ignore us, unless you want us to kill you!" one said. I looked down and chuckled.

"Kill. I doubt you'll be able to." I said and looked back up with my eye filled with blood lust. They let me go and backed away in fear.

"Your crazy!" They yelled before they practically ran away. I shook my head and started my way to the mountain. I made it to the campus to see a splash of red in the trees. I looked up to see Karma-Kun and Aika-Chan sitting on a tree branch.

"Ohayo, Karma-Kun. Ohayo, Aika-Chan." I said causing them to look down at me.

"Ohayo, Nagisa-Kun!" Aika-Chan said before she neatly landed on her feet causing me to jump in shock.

"When did you get down?" I asked shakily.

"Not to long ago." She said as she cocked her head to the side some.

"How?" I asked.

"She back flipped off the branch. Quiet gracefully, my I say, Hime." Karma-Kun said as he jumped off the branch.

"Years of gymnastics and dance does wonders." Aika-Chan said. 

"I didn't know you were in the dance or gymnastics clubs." I said.

"Oh no. I wasn't in the clubs here at school. Private lessons." She said.

"More like a pain in the asses." Karma-Kun grumbled as we walked to our class.

"Well your not wrong, but you got to admit, they come in handy." Aika-Chan said.

"True." Karma-Kun said as I slid the door to our class open.

"Aika-Chan!" I heard Rio-Chan yell before I heard a yelp and thud. I turned my head to see Aika-Chan on the ground with Rio-Chan on top of her and rubbing their cheeks together.

"I missed you!" Rio-Chan yelled. I sweat dropped at the sight while Karma-Kun seemed to simmer in silence.

"Let me go!" Aika-Chan yelled. I sighed and walked into the class and to my desk.

"Oi! Let me go!" Rio-Chan yelled. I turned to see Karma-Kun was holding Rio-Chan up by the back of her shirt.

"Fine." He said and let her go making her drop to the ground on her butt.

"That hurt, you teme!" She yelled.

"Don't care." Karma-Kun said as he put one hand in his pocket while the other gently pulled Aika-Chan into the classroom. I see how today's going to be. I thought as I looked out the window.

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