chapter 26: Nearly found him.

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Sherlock's pov:

I woke up in the middle of nowhere I looked around and saw patches of sand and grass. At first I thought, golf course but then I realised that would be too easy for them. I got up but instantly fell my stomach filled with pain. I pulled my shirt up and saw a nasty wound that had recently been done. I went to stand again but clutched my stomach. I slowly walked along the grass draging my feet along. I then saw a mini hill. I climbed it slowly wincing at the pain it caused me. When I reached the top I looked around and saw nothing but a rusty building. I squeezed my eyes closer together to see if I could make out what it was but I just couldn't do it. I fell on the floor and cried. I have never done this before but I needed John and Hamish. I curled up into a ball and cried for hours.

The night came and I was freezing. I wrapped my coat around me tightly blocking out some wind. I had to move to keep me warm. I got up again and some of the pain had disappeared. Thank God. I walked down the hill and headed towards the rusty, old place down below. I put my hands in my pocket and felt something cold. I pulled it out. My phone how did I not look for that first. I opened it and saw I had no signal. Grrr. I hope Mycroft put a traking device in this one.

Mycroft's pov:

I felt my phone vibrate.

Sherlock's phone has been unlocked. Do you want to locate him:


I turned to John and shouted him over. He looked at me, hope filling his eyes. I put my hand on his shoulder and typed yes. we were going to find Sherlock. I watched as Hamish came over tied with bright red and puffy eyes. I picked him up.

"Were going to find Daddy Hamish. You will need to stay with Molly and Nanny Hudson ok." Hamish grinned and hugged me. My heart swelled and made me want a kid with Greg. Greg then came over smiling softly at me. I think he did too. When I passed him back over he was asleep. Poor boy shouldn't have this. But his parents are part of the Holmes family. I chuckled slightly then grabbed my brolly and told everyone to get in the car. I climbed in first followed by John and Greg. We sat down facing each other.

"So I have located him near an old barn of some sorts. it's about 25 miles from here so we have to be fast. The night is getting colder and I do believe Sherlock hasn't eaten much too." Evryone nodded. I looked at John and tears were in his eyes. he smiled but I could see them. He should know by now I am a Holmes boy. John quickly wiped his eyes trying not to cry until I heard mini sobs come out. I turned to face John and tears were now streaming down his face but he was laughing.

"We're getting Sherlock back." I looked at him sympathetically I couldn't wait either.

The journey was long and I was starting to get anxious. Will he be there? When we arrived at the destination John practically ran out. Me and Greg followed close behind.

Sherlock's pov :

I heard running coming from outside and tried to look up but my body didn't want to move. It was shutting down.

"SHERLOCK!!" I heard my name being called. John. I cried and smiled at the same time but I was slowly fading away. I felt John beside me in a matter of seconds. he was crying too.

"Please move Sherlock. I know you're alive. please." I moved a bit for him but my body filled with pain again. I then stopped moving. I was slowly dying. I needed help. Please John help.

John's pov:

I checked Sherlock's pulse it was slowing down. A flash back of the fall hit me and I cried even harder. Mycroft stood there, tears threatening to fall. Greg looked away. I pushed sherlock on his back and started to pump his chest.

"IS AN AMBULANCE COMING?!" I screamed desperate to know. Mycroft nodded. I carried on giving him CPR but it wasn't working. Noises were coming from outside but I couldn't understand what was going on. His pulse was very faint now. Two men rushed over and pulled me aside. I screamed and thrashed around but I couldn't do anything. Suddenly a load bang rang through the air. I looked around and saw everyone looking at me. I looked down and saw my stomach was shot by a bullet. I looked around me trying to locate the killer. Greg pulled out his gun as I pointed up at the roof. He shot him and he fell. Hopefully he was breathing.

I was rushed in the van with blood pouring out me. I turned to face Sherlock and grabbed his hand. He squeezed it, reasuring me he wasn't dead.

"I love you." I whispered softly.

"I love you too John." I smiled then everything went dark.

3rd person view.

Their hands was connected together put John's hand went limp and left Sherlock's. The monitor started to slow down and John's beeping was reduced to one singal note. Sherlock cried inside but he was slowly fading away too. The paramedics tried to bring John back alive. They got to the Hospital and were seperated. Sherlock thought the worst. He is dead.

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