Chapter 16: Trip to the hospital

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  • Dedicated to Jessica Maddi Swann

The ambulance. Was driving as fast as possible. I then looked at Sherlock and John. Shelrock hugged John as the ambulance drove. My phone then buzzed.

"Mycroft Holmes.... argh yes have you found him... yes good... bring him to me." I then turned of my phone and faced a fully awake Sherlock. I jumped and just looked at me blankly.

"Brother tell me where he is."

"Sherlock? I'm sorry I don't think that's the best thing to do." Sherlock gripped my shoulders pinning me down.

"TELL ME MYCROFT!" he screamed in my face and I had to tell him.

"I am bringing him in I told him you don't know, but I will let you see him." Sherlock sighed with relief then passed out again.

I woke up pain souring through out my body. I tried to get up, but I then heard rushing feet. Sherlock was then at my side helping me sit up.

"John you need to rest."

"I want you Sherlock please."

"Well I could, but me and the nurse haven't had the best of relations." I laughed at this then Sherlock jumped into my bed. I wrapped my weak arms around him and we fell asleep. I woke up an the nurse stood beside us cursing.

"Stupid Holmes boy." I tried to hide my smile and succeeded. Soon as he left I burst out laughing. Next to me Sherlock chuckled.

"You heard that I guess then." Sherlock turned to face me smiling brightly.

"Yes highly amusing I think." I smiled and kissed Sherlock passionately. He deepened the kiss with his dominating tongue. Then at the door stood Mycroft leaning on his umbrella.

"Ah brother dear I need to show you that place he is there." Sherlock shot up and flew out the door Mycroft following behind.

I climbed into one of Mycroft's cars and we headed of to see him, the man who hurt my Blogger, John. The car then came to a halt, Mycroft and I got out and headed inside. Mycroft followed me inside and I started to feel my anger boil up inside. Mycroft then grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back.

"I will go in first before you. I don't wont you to get hurt an I will let you see him, but do this... do this for John ok?" I nodded and my anger startled to decrease. Mycroft left and swung open the door. I saw him sit next to Jim. He raised his head and looked into Mycroft's eyes then at me like he knew I was there. I backed away and didn't bother to go back in until it was my turn.

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