chapter 30: Thank God.

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Sherlock's pov:

Bright lights. That's all I could see. I think I was in a hospital. I shot up wondering where John was but pain raced through my body.

"arghhhh JOHHHNN!" I screamed. I think it was Mycroft who came in but my eyes were wet. I must have been crying. Mycroft grabbed me and hugged me tight. I just sat there shaking.

"Is he... Dead. Mycroft?" He looked at me then shook he head.

"No he is fine he just about made it but he is in a coma. You were too my dear brother it has been 3 months since the accident." I looked at him again scared to death.

"Molly came every day to see you both. She is a wreck at the monent. Greg can't do his work anymore and poor Mrs Hudson. We are terribly sorry to say this but she passed away. A terrible accident happened, she fell down the stairs in the park." I just sat there after that. Mrs Hudson never left the flat to go to the park only shopping or Mrs Turner's house.

"Mycroft don't you find that a bit suspicious also is the body still fresh?"

"Sherlock! she was your land lady you will not go see her." I ignored him and sat up ignoring the pain. I'm used to it. I went down the corridor slowly, whilst nurses tried to send me back. I just refused to listen. I then looked through a door and saw John. My dear John. I looked through the window and tears started to fall again. I then left hoping to return later. I went down to the morge and saw Molly. Her hair was messy, no makeup at all, and finally no smile. I went over to her and hugged her. She gasped.

"S...Sherlock you're back." I nodded then tears poured down my face.

"Yes, but first (Sniff) can you show me Mrs Hudson please." She nodded sadly and pulled me towards my Land lady. I looked at the body and something caught my eye.

"Molly this birth mark on her neck. Did you ever see that when we saw Mrs hudson?"

"No. Now I think about it she told me she never had one and how lucky she was to not have one." I just nodded.

"Well I believe this is not her and the real Mrs Hudson is alive but missing." I deduced. Then a wave of pain hit me and I collapsed. Molly instantly came to my side and took me back upstairs. Nurses came to me but I just blacked out.

John's pov :

I was in a dark room my head was spinning. I ran around but I ended up nowhere. I tried to walk but my legs didn't move. I then heard talking.

"He will be fine Mr Holmes."

"Thank god my dear brother can't handle seeing John like this it has been 3 months so far and Sherlock has only just woken up." Mycroft!

"Mycroft!Mycroft!" I was screaming his name but there seemed to be no answer. I desperately tried to move but I couldn't. I felt like I was glued to the bed.

3 months later.

Sherlock's pov :

I have sat here for 3 months now. I didn't move. Mrs Hudson was missing and Mycroft was worrying more. Every now and then I would help Lestrade find Mrs Hudson but I couldn't do it. John. He is still in a coma. I visit everyday and I need to move now. I got up grabbed my coat and scarf then ran outside and called a taxi. The ride was quiet. I wish John would wake up.

I arrived there and entered his room. I saw Molly and Mycroft walk in. Mycroft was a wreck.

"Brother dear please start moving again John will wake." Mycroft's voice was small, not like the powerful self he is. I just looked at him then went back to staring at John. I was holding his hands until something moved. I looked down and saw his fingers moving. I looked up and his eyes were opening. Molly and Mycroft went to get a nurse. She pushed me aside and helped John wake up again. I was so scared. Then I heard his voice. That beautiful voice.


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