Chapter 17: A farewell to Jim

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"Ah dear brother you may enter, I put him on restraints." I nodded then I bust the door open. Jim looked at me and a huge grin spread on his face.

"How Is Johnny boy then Sherlock." I felt my rage boil up inside. It then exploded. I punched Jim around the face hard. His bones cracked as my fist flew cross his nose. Blood started to trickle down his nose and a sour laugh came out his mouth.

"Ha ha Sherlock hurt me all you want you just can't heal him."

"Why do you do that."

"Well that's what PEOPlE DO!" he screamed in my face, but I sat there hiding my anger behind the invisible mask I have. He then started to comment about John. I ran to the door and pulled a chair at the nob then I switched of the camera. I then pulled my Jacket over the glass. I then pulled out the knife he used on John.

"YOU FUCKING HURT JOHN! NOW IT'S MY TURN." I dragged the knife along his chest and he whined, but then his laugh echoed through the room. I grew angry that I drove the knife into his heart and a smile that was on his face started to fade to a smirk. He then just fell limp. Mycroft then burst through the door as I just stood there, hands behind my back and smirking.

"Sherlock you did the wrong thing, but I guess you did the right thing." I nodded then I ran out. I ran through all the shortcuts I knew than found my way to the hospital. I ran through the corridors then all the way to John's room. He laid there asleep. I stroked his soft, sandy brown hair and climbed in bed with him. I cuddled up to him.

"I got rid of Moriaty. Don't worry. I love you John." I kissed his head then fell asleep.

"I love you to Sherlock." John whispered and I fell asleep dreaming about me and John together forever.

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