Chapter 10: The stag dues (edited)

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Tonight me and sherlock were going to have our stag due. We thought hard and decided that we should do them together. I invited Lestrade and Molly because we didn't really care if we had woman with us. Sherlock invited his brother even though he didn't really want too. Then a knock came from downstairs and footsteps travelled further up the stairs. The door then opened and Mycroft stood there in the door way.

"Hello John may I come in?" Sherlock was out and Mycroft was at their door, what was going on with the Holmes brothers they act so strange sometimes. Mycroft sat down in my chair.


"Please John, also a biscuit I am famished, but don't tell sherlock you know what he is like with cake." Mycroft snarled at the thought of his brother teasing him and I laughed at this. I found it amusing. The kettle finished boiling. I put a couple of biscuits on the tray and carried our teas over.

"Thank you." Spoke Mycroft as I passed him his tea.

"So what brings you to Baker Street Mycroft?"

"I have news for you, but do not tell my dearest brother I want him to have a good evening and day." My mood suddenly dropped, he was referring to our wedding.

"What Mycroft. Tell ME!" I rose up from my chair, but Mycroft stood up overpowering me. I sat down and Mycroft did the same, whilst grabbing a biscuit.

"You remember miss Adler and Moriarty."

"Who couldn't forget them." I sarcastically spoke.

"They are back we have traced them both and found out they have been planning to take you and sherlock down." I started to stoop lower in my seat getting angrier by the minute.

"Oh my god, what about sherlock he could be in their trap right now!"

"He isn't I have him in one of my cars. He refused at first, but my men persuaded him."

"MYCROFT! You had to drug him to save him I think he can save himself." I yelled, but I guess that was the safest thing possible.

"JOHN! Shut up we have him safe now. Lestrade has him and they are at St Barts." I sighed with relief. I got up as Mycroft was gathering his things.

"Thank you Mycroft I appreciate your love towards your brother I wish he would do the same." Mycroft just nodded and left the flat with his brolly.

"I swear he is married to that thing." I mumbled under my breath. He always has that umbrella. Soon as Mycroft left Sherlock burst through the door and jumped on the sofa.

"BORED!" He shouted out load. He collapsed onto his arm chair. I flinched, but then strolled over to sherlock. I straddled his hips and he pressed his palms on my hips.

I gripped John's back and I pulled him closer. I pulled him towards my lips and they brushed past every now and then until we kissed. The kiss deepened further as I bit John's lips. He let out a soft moan and a smile appeared across my face. I felt John do the same. I entered his mouth with my tongue and explored it until me and John were fighting dominance. I then started to pull his shirt of slowly teasing him. John started to moan loudly as I teased him even more slowly. I then started to suck his soft skin then his scar. John froze and I looked up to him.

John's pov:

His blue eyes burned into mine. I could see guilt shower in his eyes as I froze. I never had anyone touch my scar and it scared me.

"Sorry John did I hurt you." I nodded a no and sherlock smiled. I returned back the smile and he continued his sweet torture. I bucked my hips against his as I wanted more, then the door bell went. I glanced over at the clock.

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