Chapter 18: the wedding again!

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I cuddled up to John and he started to stir in his sleep.

" Morning sleepy head." I spoke.

"Morni...argh..Ng." he struggled to get up so I helped him sit up. I kissed his forehead and helped him out the bed. Today he was able to leave the hospital. I gripped his arm and helped pull his clothes of I take him to the bathroom to take a warm shower. I let him shower. I sat down on the bed waiting for John to come out.

I stood in the shower looking at my scars Moriaty caused. I then felt my eyes sting from tears that poured down my face. I fell hard on the ground and the door swung open wide. Sherlock came in and pulled me into a big hug, even though the shower was still on. I gripped Sherlock tighter as I cried even harder.

"Don't worry John, he is no longer here." Sherlock reassured me, but I slightly sobbed.

"Thank you." We climbed out the shower and got dressed.

I gripped John and helped him outside. We started to walk outside when everyone jumped out. My brother was smiling holding hands with Lestrade. Molly and mrs Hudson stood there beaming a bright smile to.

"Brother dear your first wedding got destroyed so we have all contributed a little some of money to give you a second one, which should be better than the first one." Mycroft laughed and I hugged him. At first he was stiff, then he relaxed. I coughed then pulled away both me and Mycroft embarrassed. I stepped next to John and kissed his soft lips breathing in his intoxicating scent. We all climbed into a mini limo and headed to where me and John would have a wedding and reception.

The journey was short and Sherlock was sleeping. He stayed up every night for me to wake up until I did. I then shook Sherlock as the car came to a stop. He woke up and smiled beautifully at me. We all climbed out and entered the building. Our suits were on the bed and we climbed into them ready for the best wedding ever again! I kissed Sherlock again and we were finally ready. I took his hand and we all entered the room where everyone stood clapping.

"Congratulations boys." Mrs Hudson spoke. We then sat down and we started opening the presents that they were giving to us. I looked over at Sherlock, who was unwrapping things.

"So eager Sherlock." I whispered. He let out a little laugh and started to show me the presents he unwrapped. Lestrade brought us a set of science equipment especially for Sherlock and a couple mugs for me. Molly brought me a jumper and Sherlock a new microscope as his was getting all scrappy and old. Then Mycroft have us something, but we couldn't open it until tonight. We smiled at everyone and the present was from Mrs Hudson. She gave us a new set of china as Sherlock used ours on experiments and I got a new jumper again. I then went into my bag and pulled something out for Sherlock. I passed him his gift and he slowly unwrapped it. Inside held a photograph of us when it was last christmas and he loved his new chemistry set to. Sherlock loved its He smile so brightly and kissed me. He then pulled out his gift for me. I unwrapped it an revealed a new laptop and a jumper that matches another one I have.

"Thank you Sherlock."

"Thank you John." we hugged and passionately kissed. Everyone cheered for us then Lestrade and Mycroft came over.

"Well brother dear me and Gregory are together as you know and we plan on getting married next year. Also the letter open it tonight." we smiled then Greg spoke.

"Well Sherlock you have been great toward us and you to John so here are your badges. We have excepted you on the team and Sherlock you get to be the worlds only consulting detective and John your part of the medial team, but still get to work with Sherlock."

We took our badges proudly and I shook Greg's hand. Sherlok thanked his brother and Greg and they left. Our food arrived and everyone had a great dinner.

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