Chapter 4: moriaty again! (Edited)

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Mycroft closed the door and mrs Hudson left.

"What you said to Mycroft, was that true?" I looked at sherlock and he nodded.

"Of course... I love you John."

"Oh sherlock. I love you to!" I rushed over to him and held him in my arms tightly. My phone then buzzed.

The case is at Big Ben. Please hurry and do tell sherlock to start answering his phone.


"It's Mycroft he says to answer your phone also the case is at Big Ben." Sherlock nodded and we finally left.

Sherlock's pov:

I climbed in the car first then John followed afterwards. I turned to look at him. His face blushed and I grabbed his hand. I kissed his knuckles one by one and fell into his shoulder. I sat there as the driver drove to our destination. He played with my locks. I loved that so much. After ten minutes passed we arrived and I pushed John out slapping his ass.

"Sherlock! Hehe." I tried to hide my laugh, but it just came out. John pulled a face and I laughed again. He went of and I ran after him. Anderson and the other bitch were there as they tried to solve the crime. I looked at them and they looked back.

"So what has happened then?" I asked. Lestrade was about to say something, but Anderson took over.

"Well as you can see..."

"Anderson just shut up you lower the IQ of the whole street." John sniggered behind me and I turned towards him with a giant grin on my face.

"Lestrade you speak please."

"Well over here there is a tape of some sorts and your name is written all over it I think you need to watch it. Also a body was next to it. Your name was carved into her at the same time with "I o u." There as well." I looked at John he knew what was going on as well.

"Everyone get out then. Me and John will look at this. Byee." John and me pushed everyone out and fell onto the door.

"We'll that was good sherlock." Laughed John.

"I know well lets get to work then." Before I could move John pulled me towards him and kissed me deeply. I pushed him against a wall and a load sound echoed through the walls.

"Sherlock are you ok?" I pulled away breathless.

"Yes..I'm*phew* fine."

"Ok?" Lestrade then stopped speaking and I returned back to John. I loved him so much.

"I love you John so much please don't ever leave me." John looked sad.

"I would never do that to you sherlock ever and I will always love you!" I pushed John once again against the wall and kissed his soft lips. I fisted his hair and he grabbed my neck and face. His hands fell onto my chest and then he pushed his hand up my shirt. I then grabbed his ass and squeezed tightly causing him to squeal slightly. We then let go and pulled our heads together. I kissed him again and we returned to the crime.

John's pov :

"We'll Moriaty has been here then."

"Yes and he wants me too."

I looked at sherlock and grabbed the video of the floor, whilst sherlock investigated the body. A television stood in the corner and I pushed the tape in.

"Hello sherlock, it's me Moriaty, your worst nightmare. I was thinking a lot lately about you and your little pet John. I noticed something about you two. I have a task for you it's a bit like my big game last time with all the bombs but now it's harder. The first is here." The tv flickered for a bit then it turned of.

"Can you see me sherlock? Can you hear me?" We turned around looking everywhere. I went to a corner then I was grabbed. A cloth was pushed over my mouth and I fell into a deep sleep.

Sherlock's pov :

I panicked John left.

"JOHN!" I bellowed, but no reply.

"Laters sherlock I have your little boyfriend now." I fell hard to the ground. My emotions everywhere. I was never this bad when it came to this. I bust open the door and Lestrade looked at me.

"Sherlock what happened? Where's John?" I stood still for a moment then raced of. I waved my hand for a taxi and one came over. I got in and sat there. John was gone. I cried silently into my palms, the only person I could love was gone I needed to find him.

John's pov :

I woke up. My vision was blurred and all I could see was a slim man in front of me.

"Finally I was so bored. You have finally awoken sleeping beauty." I tried to wriggle out the ropes, but all I could do was cut myself on the restrains. Moriaty came closer to my face and stroked it.

"How did you win sherlock John. Huh me, Irene Adler and Molly all tried to get him, but you were successful?!" I looked up and he was now holding a knife.

"John speak to me pleaseeee. I'm so bored I need fun. That's why I loved sherlock, but you had to get him." I was confused around sherlock sometimes, but this baffled me the most.

"I got sherlock cause I actually cared about him." I shouted. Moriaty stood back and held his arms up in the air.

"Wow wow calm down there Johnny boy." I grew more frustrated as he spoke. I loved sherlock, but where is he?

Sherlock's pov:

I stumbled into 221b Baker Street and fell into my chair.

"What's up sherlock? Where is John?" I looked at mrs Hudson and started to cry.

"You really love him don't you sherlock." I nodded and she wrapped her arms around me.

"Yes mrs Hudson I do, but that asshole Moriaty took him from ME!" I ran to the kitchen and threw the stuff to the floor in anger. Mrs Hudson pulled me to the chair and I fell hard on the side. She brought over a cuppa tea and left me to my own devices. I sat there and entered my mind palace. John where could he be?

Sherlock met john (johnlock fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora