Chp. 46 "The Truth Sucks"

Start from the beginning

Roger spoke, “No, they’re going to take care of her. You have work to do Andy, you need to go now. The sooner you start the better.”

I felt like my world was collapsing as I watched Avery disappear into a room, and the doctors stayed outside. I hadn’t noticed until now but they were wearing those weird suits that you saw on the movies, like the movie Quarantine. It was the suits that they wore to prevent the spread of the disease.

Avery had the BD3.

I felt weak in the knees, as if my legs had been kicked out from under me. I felt my eyes sting with tears but I knew I couldn’t allow myself to cry, I just couldn’t. I had to stay strong, I had to show these people that I was not weak, and I could do this. It took me everything I had not to break free of Roger’s grip right this instant and find Avery, but I knew I was a big girl. I needed to face this, and he was right, the sooner I started the sooner we could find a cure.

I allowed Roger to guide me to another room where there were two doctors, one of which was Doctor Henson, “Well, good to see you again Andrea.”

I couldn’t respond without wanting to throw up, all I could think about was Avery being hauled away from me. I wasn’t doing it to be rude, but I just couldn’t muster up a proper response. I had promised Avery I would stay with her, and that nothing bad was going to happen, and here I was, without her, completely breaking that promise.

I nodded towards Henson, and then Roger spoke, “I’m going to get Max and Gage, they need to be tested considering Avery has the BD3. We can’t take chances.”

All I could do was nod; I literally couldn’t do anything else. I was stunned, petrified, mortified, and there was nothing I could do about Avery.

“Andrea? Listen to me, alright. We need you to be calm and correspond with us; I know this disease is personal now. The sooner we get to work the sooner we can find a cure and help your friend.”

I looked at him, listening now that I had blocked out all emotion and focused on the task at hand. I needed to do this as quickly as possible, because Henson was right, it was personal, and Avery needed me. She needed me to be strong and work with the doctors, and get as much information as I could to try and help them find a cure. The cure that I needed to save Avery’s life before it was too late.

“Ok, I’m going to explain to you everything, so you understand what is going to happen. Blaine did most of the work for us; all you have to do is go with what we say.”

I finally responded, “Ok.”

“When exactly did you contract your Healing power from Blaine?”

I thought back, it was at least a month before school ended, I shrugged, “I would say a little over a month now.”

The two doctors seemed to light up with joy, “Good, that’s plenty of time.”

I questioned, “For what?”

Henson looked at me, “When you gained access to Healing, there was a hormone that strengthened in your blood. Blaine’s were fully developed; his power emerged when he was merely a teenager, so he had plenty of strong hormones in his blood for us to test.”

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