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"Rachel, it's nothing." I mumble to her. I just had a nice hot shower and am currently sitting on my bed in the hotel room, eating away on butter flavored popcorn while watching some comedy that is playing on the TV.

However, due to Rachel constantly questioning me we haven't being able to watch it in peace.

She scoffs, "Yeah right. You like him Sophie. Just admit it."

I pinch the bridge of my nose, "Even if I did like him- which I don't- he doesn't like me, Rach. He's Alex Rosewood; player of Ridgevale High. The guy every girl wants."

"And the guy you're lucky enough to already have."

I give her a "seriously?" look and she smirks. "You didn't see how cute you guys were while you were messing around on the beach today. It was adorable."

I blush. "Exactly. We were just messing around. Nothing more." I say softly before popping another popcorn into my mouth.

The truth is, it wasn't nothing. Whether I was the only one who felt it or not, I know that there was an unknown emotion in the air; one I wished to decipher. The thought of me having feelings for Alex has always being absurd but as time has gone by, that idea doesn't seem too impossible anymore. And it scares me.
It scares me a lot.

I've had boyfriends in the past but none were ever serious. I didn't like them enough to want to have a serious relationship.

But Alex is another story.

No. I tell myself. I don't have any feelings towards Alex. Rachel is just putting ideas up in my head.

I shake me head to get rid of my thoughts and Rachel eyes me curiously, "Coming to the realization?"

I look at her, my face emotionless, "I don't like Alex."

And hopefully that's the truth.


"Prepare to be beaten." Martin teases Alex who simply roles his eyes.

"We've been over this Martin. I'm a better surfer."

I laugh as the two continue to bicker while Cole makes sure the surfboards are secure atop the car.

"They're both terrible surfers." Nina whispers to me which causes me to laugh. "Really?"

"Nah," She grins, "They're both just as good as each other."
I nod in understanding, fixing the large hat on top of my head. I forgot to pack a costume so I'm stuck with a bikini this holiday and I'm slightly self-conscious about that. However, I'm adamant to not let that deter my good mood.

Along with my large hat, I have a beach dress over my bikini and flip flops on my feet. All in all; I'm beach ready.

"Alright, can we leave?" Cole asks us all. Martin and Alex stop bickering and we all walk towards the car.

"I'm driving." Cole announces as he takes the drivers seat.

Martin pouts, "No fair! I was supposed to be the designated driver!" He whines.

Nina pinches his cheeks mockingly, "Don't worry, you can drive us back."

He swats her hand away as she sits next to him and pouts again, "Now I have to sit next to this bafoon." He gestures to Alex and Alex puffs his chest out and hits it like a gorilla.

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