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I stare at my phone with indecisiveness. Should I call?
I mean, Alex did say that he'll fetch me everyday for now on since he thinks it'll make Courtney leave me alone in the mornings or he'll at least be there to help me out if need be. But even though we had a bit of an argument yesterday doesn't mean that's going to change right?

I shake my head at myself. Alex isn't a jerk. I grab my backpack and walk downstairs, tightening my ponytail along the way in an act of frustration.

"Morning mom." I greet my mother who lifts her head up from the book she's reading.

"Morning sweetie."

"Aren't you going to work?" I ask, eyeing her pajamas and untamed hair. She gives me a small smile, "I am honey, just later."

I grin at her. "Alright." As I enter the kitchen I grab an apple and stare at my phone, waiting for a text from Alex. I tap my foot impatiently and chew on my apple viciously.

He'll be here. He'll be here.

"Sophie, could you please stop tapping your foot like that? I can't concentrate." My mom calls out from the lounge. I stop munching on my apple and pause my tapping. "Sorry mom."

I hear shuffling and soon my mom appears from the lounge. She leans against the doorframe of our kitchen and raises an eyebrow at me.

"Why are you nervous?" She questions me.

I scrunch my eyebrows together, confusion washing over me.
"Huh? I'm not nervous."

"Then why are you tapping your foot like Thumper from Bambi?"

"Oh." Is all I respond with.

"Yeah, oh." My mom laughs while walking over to the kitchen island. She leans against it and gives me a sympathetic smile.

"So?" She urges me.

I sigh and run a hand over my face, "I just- I had a bit of an argument yesterday with Alex and I don't want to upset him, mom. I don't want to lose him over something do trivial and irrelevant. And he's supposed to be picking me up- if he even decides to show up after what happened."

My mom gives me a small smile, "Then apologise sweetie. Let him know that you didn't mean to offend him. And trust me sweetheart, he'll be here to pick you up. He's not one of those boys."

I nod, avoiding eye contact, not wanting my mom to see my guilt.
"You sure like him, huh?" My mom says with a hint of amusement. My eyes snap to hers and I tilt my head to the side.

"As a friend mom." I reassure her, hoping to erase any ridiculous ideas from her head.

"Uh-huh." She nods her head with raised eyebrows.

Just then, I hear a car hooting outside and my phone receives a text from Alex. I look down at it, letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"I got to go. I love you mom. And thank you." I peck her cheek quickly. I toss my apple core into the bin and grab my backpack as my mom bids her goodbyes.

I open the front door and close it behind me, seeing Alex's Audi parked outside my house.

He rolls down his window and gives me one of his million-dollar smiles and suddenly I'm smiling too. I open the passenger door and climb in, a strong whiff of Axe and vanilla hitting my nose in the process. Once the door is shut, I turn to him with a smile.

Game Changerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें