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There were many things that being part of the Elite forced me to do and take part in which I didn't necessarily agree with. However, since I couldn't tell my mother what really went on in my life honestly, I've always had to lie.

This time is no different.

"Mom, do you mind if I sleepover at Kelcy tomorrow?" I lie, taking a bite of my pizza. My mom smiles with an easygoing nod.

"Of course sweetheart." She responds and I push a smile onto my face, ignoring the guilt that threatens to swallow me whole.

"Thank you. What time are you coming home tomorrow?" I ask and my mom chews on her lip in thought.

"Probably about nine. Why?" She looks at me. I shrug, gazing back at the TV to avoid having to look her in the eye as the lies spill from my lips.

"I was hoping I could get to see you before leaving." I smile. However, that isn't entirely true. Since I'm not really sleeping over at Kelcy, I have to get ready for the club here and if my mom were to see me leave the house all dressed up, she would definitely be suspicious. She chuckles at my reaction before blowing me a kiss which I smile wryly at.

"What are you girls planning on doing?" She asks, her eyes now glued to the TV.

"Just chill, I guess. Probably watch a few movies." I say to her and she nods. However, she doesn't even know how untrue that statement really is because not only am I going to a club instead of Kelcy's but also Kelcy and I aren't even on speaking terms. This whole story I've told my mom is basically a complete and utter lie to the extreme.

But I can't exactly be upfront and ask her straight about going to a club because she obviously wouldn't say yes and Courtney will definitely not let me live it down. In the end, it's what she wants. That's it.

And as much as I'm extremely pissed at Kelcy for undoubtedly believing Courtney's lies wholeheartedly and still ignoring me even though I wasn't the guilty party, I do miss her. Kelcy and I have had many arguments or fights over the course of knowing each other but we've never gone this long without clearing the air.

I think that says enough about how mad Kelcy really is this time.

However, she's still directing that anger at the wrong person.

I rub a hand over my face. I know tomorrow night will probably be a little awkward between us but I'm not going to let her ruin it for me. I'm going to enjoy my time there and nothing and nobody is going to get in the way of that.

"I'm going to bed mom. I love you." I say, quickly pecking her cheek.

"I love you too!" She calls out as I approach the stairs and I smile softly to myself.

How sad it is that my mother doesn't even know who her daughter really is?

And it's not her fault.

It's mine.


I tap my pen against my table with a steady rhythm and listen intently to what my art teacher tells us.

"The following assignment I'm going to tell you about is worth eighty marks and counts thirty percent of your grade. It's easy marks but if you mess around and don't do it, you'll most probably fail." She deadpans before clasping her hands together. "What you have to do is make a three dimensional artwork which marks a statement; something you believe in. Be it an environmental, economic, political or a social factor, you need to make something that relates to the topic. This is individual work and I expect all assignments to be in by the next two weeks. You can use this lesson to brainstorm ideas but please keep it down." She instructs before walking back to her seat.

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