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It's been a strange tradition within the Elite- amongst the girls- to go to the nearest Starbucks every Monday. It's something we all do without fail although I doubt I'll be able to when I begin my community work at the children's home. That is why we're all seated here, at our usual corner booth, drinks in hand and gossip spilling from our lips.

"What do you guys think the reason is for Rosewood not being at school?" Ashleigh asks and Courtney shrugs, seemingly careless although she's anything but.

"Who knows? That boy is always up to shit." Kelcy responds and I snort at that, remembering all of the times he's humiliated teachers to the point of quitting.

"Maybe he's, like, a secret boy band lover who writes fan fics or something." Megan adds although she still has red eyes from crying over her argument with Chris after lunch.

Courtney rolls her eyes. "Don't be stupid Megan."

Megan immediately stops talking and leans back in her chair while the rest of us continue chattering away with gossip. I add my knowledge now and then, laughing when they say something funny and listening into all the rumors they've come across. Most of them include the Rebels which we always find a way to figure out. After about an hour we decide to leave, going our separate ways in the parking lot.

"Up for a little bit of shopping at the mall?" Kelcy calls out to me before I reach my car. I purse my lips.

"I've got a lot of homework." I counter and she rolls her eyes before slipping a pair of tear-shaped sunglasses on.

"I'll meet you there then." She responds, ignoring my protests and climbing into her car. I roll my eyes but can't help the smile that worms its way onto my face as I slip into my car.

A good ten minutes later and we're both walking into the air conditioned building of the mall which is bustling with people from school. We make our way into one of the shops, looking at different clothing items. My eyes instantly stray to the more sporty clothing but then Kelcy shows me a dress and says, "This would look amazing on you, Soph! You have to get it!" She chucks the purple dress at me and I laugh, holding it over my arm so I can check it out.

I thumb the material of various items, picking up a few here and there when Kelcy calls out to me.

"What do you think is going to happen with Meg and Chris now?" She asks me, holding up an orange blazer and looking it over before placing it back on the shelf and finally looking at me. Kelcy is my best friend but if there is one thing about being an Elite it's that you watch what you say; if it offends  Courtney then you keep your mouth shut. That's why I opt with a simple: "I don't know, Kelc." instead. She chews on her cheek, picking up another shirt and tossing it in the basket she's holding.

"I feel like they should just be friends. They're always fighting anyway."

I nod in agreement. "I think so too. Megan expects too much." I chuckle and Kelcy does too.

"Don't say that around Courtney, Soph. That's her best friend you're talking about." She laughs but I sober up. She's looking out for me because I know Kelcy would never betray me, but it's difficult constantly keeping a filter up.

"Alright, I think this is it. You ready to pay?" She asks me, eyeing the pile of clothing I'm clutching. I nod and she gives me a smile as we make our way to the front counter.


When I wake up, a line of drool has dried on the side of my mouth and I wipe it away with groggy eyes. I pull my sheets off and climb out of bed, rubbing at my eyes in the process. I catch sight of my chemistry books on my desk and my nose crinkles in annoyance. I glare at the evil things.

Game Changerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें